About Arlene

Children's Ministries
Children's Event Planning
My Story
Hello, and welcome to the wonderful world of children's ministry. The sometimes exciting...sometimes exhausting ministry.
I have served in the children's ministry field for over 35 years. Serving in many areas including pre-school director, pre-school teacher, Children's Church leader, Children's Church teacher, VBS Director and Children's Director.
I am also founder and director of "A Christmas to Remember" a Christmas gift giving program for underprivileged families in our community, This will be our 13th year of serving families in need.
As for my personal life, I am married to and incredible man; Tim, who puts up with a lot of craziness. He is my soul mate and God's greatest gift to me...excluding my salvation.
Tim and I have been married for 41 years and have six children, two precious little ones that are with the Lord, two sons and two daughters...each one amazing; and a true blessing.
Our life together has been wonderful and exciting and has afforded me many opportunities.
And now...God has brought me to this new place to serve. I am very excited, a little nervous and a little unsure of where it will lead. However, I am ready for this new chapter in my life.
Our church has been going through a lot of changes these last few months, as God shuffles His people in and out of ministry. My new role is one of those many changes. I never dreamed that I would EVER step away from working with children however, God's plans are always bigger than our plans.own.
For some of us change is not always an easy thing. But change is one of the few SURE things in our lives, confusingly enough. But there are so many places in God’s word that can help us get through these trying times.
For me, I am clinging to God's promises from Isaiah 30:21. "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, this is the way; walk in it."
We can get through these challenging times stronger, more unified, and ready to do the work God has prepared for us to do when we stand together and uplift each other in prayer.
I look forward to God's new ministry direction and ask for your prayers, suggestions and ideas as we walk thru this wonderful, wild and wacky ministry together.
~ Arlene Clark