Free (Page 1)
Crafts, Games, Recipes, Ideas, Downloads, Etc.

giant ice block
Giant Ice Block

Looking for a "unique"
way to cool off this summer?
Try a GIANT Ice Block!
Easy to create...You just need a tub, some water, a few plastic
frogs and a freezer.
1. Locate a giant tub
2. Add 3-4" of water
3. Toss in a few plastic frogs
3. Freeze
4. Add 3-4" of water
5. Toss in a few plastic frogs
6. Freeze
7. Add 3-4" of water
8. Toss in a few plastic frogs
9. Freeze
Continue until the entire tub is full.
(This will take approx 1-2 weeks to fill and freeze solid)
Just add a little water each day until it is full.
On reveal day, just turn the tub upside down, allow to sit for 10-15 minutes, and dump it out.
Allow the kids to take turns sitting on the block of ice and then hand out plastic knives, squirt guns, and/or squirt bottles and allow them to "free the frogs" by chipping away at the ice.
Each frog that they successfully free...hops home with them!
(Frogs can be purchased from Oriental Trading. Add anything else that you would like to add.)
An ice block can be added to any summer activity!


Time, Talent, Tithes
T-Shirt Design
Teaching a series on tithing?
Want to make it stick?
Create these cute t-shirts with your children to help them
Remember the 3 T's...
Time, Talent, and Tithes.
All you need is a few white T-shirts, paintbrushes and a
black sharpies... for writing and
fabric paint.
Creating custom t-shirts will help reinforce the importance
of our
Time, Talent, and Tithes.
Note: Plan on spending 2 weeks on this project or spread it out over the entire series. You will only be able to work on one side per week due to drying time.
If you are looking for lessons for this type of series, consider using the following
Barnabas (Missionary), The poor woman's gift, Parable of the Talents
On a budget? Ask each child to
bring an old white t-shirt from
home. They will work just as well!

I spy bottles
I Spy
Treasure in a Bottle Craft

A water bottle with a lid (1 per child) (There are some really neat salad dressing bottles that look like treasure bottles (Bitten or Walden Brand). If you can find bottles that have long necks...such as the pictures above or the Salad Dressing bottles...use them!
Funnels (to fill bottles with birdseed) Test your funnel once you have purchased your seed to make sure that the opening is large enough for your seeds to pass through easily.
A piece of hemp, string, or yarn. Approx. 12” Long with small knots at each end (1 per child)
A bag of birdseed or rice
20 trinket items (clean out your leftover craft items) Buttons, screws, pennies. toothpicks, paper clips, beads, etc. whatever you can find. (20 items per child)
A "Treasure in a Bottle" poem with a hole punched in the upper left-hand corner. Add a hole reinforcement to the back of the tag (round white hole reinforcements). The bottle will be used a lot and the reinforcements will ensure that the tag remains intact.
(1 Per Child).
A 4X4 piece of netting (optional)
Allow each child to:
1. Fill their bottle (halfway) with birdseed
2. Drop the 20 trinkets inside
3. Put the lid on top and shake the bottle
4. Re-open the bottle and finish filling the bottle with birdseed. Leave a 3” gap, depending on your particular type of bottle, between the birdseed and the top of the bottle
5. Screw on the lid
6. If you are using netting, have them center the netting on top of the bottle lid and pull it down around the neck of the bottle.
7. Place a piece of braided yarn around the netting and the neck of the bottle and tie one knot
8. Run one end of the yarn through the hole on the poem gather the two ends of the string together and tie into a knot.
You can use this craft for any lesson involving the ocean, water, treasure, etc.
I have used it when teaching on Paul's Shipwreck.
For the lesson about Rahab. I simply left off the netting and hemp and I replaced it with 3 strands of red yarn braided together to represent the scarlet rope. We talked about the men escaping and how they were "hunted" for...but not found.
I have also used it when teaching on the "Spying Out Canaan"


Willy Wonka Day
Encourage church attendance with a Willy Wonka Event...beginning
on October 1st...National Willy Wonka Day!
Each week (throughout October), children will receive a chocolate bar with a Golden Ticket hidden inside a few of the candy bars. If they receive a golden ticket, they will win one of the large prizes. Select your prizes in advance so that the children know what they are playing for.
You can also add a few extra "smaller" prize tickets inside some of the bars to keep the anticipation going!
Since this is a Willy Wonka event, candy prizes would be perfect. Look for vintage candies that the children may have never seen or tasted before...create a gift basket or bucket filled with yummy treats...or a giant candy bar, etc. You can work the prizes to fit with your families and budget!

ugly sweater competition
Ugly Fall Sweater Competition

Create a little Fall Fun by hosting an ugly fall sweater competition. Competition can be held "in person" or you can challenge your kids, your families, or your entire community. Participants simply take a pic of themselves in their "ugly fall sweater" and submit it on your Facebook page...under your Ugly Fall Sweater Competition post.

Budget Saving Tips

Holiday Sales
Holiday sales are a children's leaders dream come true. Items can be purchased for almost nothing and stored away for the following year...even many food items such as a gingerbread house, candy, etc. Just check your expiration dates.
You do have to be quick. Go early the day after, and continue to check for a few days.
The day after is usually the best picks, but they continue to reduce the price for several days after the holiday.
Use your Easter bunny makes a great prize at any time of the year. Suckers are always a perfect snack...and a bubble wand at the end of summer is just as fun at the end of summer as it is at the beginning.
When you see items on clearance, think about where you could use them.
The following are a few ideas to get you started.
After Easter Sales
Easter Bunnies - Easter Bunnies can be used for prizes at any time of the year. If you remove the tag and perhaps a ribbon (if it says Easter on it) you have a regular bunny.
Bunnies for new babies born in the nursery (Remove ribbon for safety)
Treat Bags (Check Hobby Lobby)
Cupcake liners
Prizes to hand out
Peeps (Fall marshmallow roasting)
Confetti Eggs (Outdoor summer egg night activity)
Eggs, grass, baskets, stuffed animals (For next years egg hunt)
Look for candy that is not holiday-specific and that will store well. (Fall Festival)
After Christmas Sales
Gingerbread houses - Use to make Valentine houses - Decorate with Valentines Day candy
Purchase red paper plates to be used on Valentines Day
Cross Christmas ornaments to use on Easter (Hobby Lobby has them 75%to 90% off.)
Fluffy “snowballs” use them all through the year for glow in the dark dodgeball. They don’t hurt when someone is hit.
Christmas Cards - Missions
Treat Bags (Check Hobby Lobby)
Cupcake liners
Hershey Kisses and separate the colors - red for Valentine's, green for St. Patrick's and silver for Easter.
Stocking stuffers for next year
Prizes to hand out
Clearance prizes for VBS
Valentines Day
Bags of candy - Use for Easter
Treat Bags (Check Hobby Lobby)
Cupcake liners
Back to School Sales
Restock your supply cabinet...pencils, crayons, markers, paper.
Backpacks and pencil holders...Bible Buck Store.
After Summer
Pool noodles - can be used for endless games
Water Balloons
Bubble Wands (Great back to school gift or prize item)
After Halloween
Wigs and Costumes
Glow sticks - for glow in the dark events
Treat Bags
Cupcake liners
Face paint for spring carnival or VBS, etc.
Thrift Stores and Yard Sales
A Thrift store or yard sales is a PERFECT place to look for props. VBS, plays, musicals, etc.

Valentine's Day - Porch Drop
Looking for a Valentine's Day Porch Drop...Attach one of the tags below to a box of Little Debbie's Valentine treats, a box of Conversation Hearts, a heart-shaped sucker, a small box of heart-shaped chocolates, Hershey Hugs and Kisses, a jump rope, a moon pie, or a purchased/baked heart-shaped cookie treats. Add your own devotional, scripture, and a couple of fun treats (optional: a balloon, a couple of pieces of chocolates, a valentine's cards) and you're all set.

teapot craft
Teapot Craft/Gift for Mother's Day Craft
Thank You Card/Gift for Volunteers

Here's a gift for Mother's Day.
I'll try my best in every way.
But if you get upset with me.
Relax and have a pot of tea.

A cup of tea to say 'THANK YOU"
For all the things you have done.
Enjoy, relax and have a day
of happiness and fun!
Before You Begin
Download the teapot and heart templates below.
Locate the paper/card stock that you want to use. Teapots can be made from construction paper, craft paper, card stock etc. The larger sheets of construction paper (12" X 18") or any paper approximately this best. If you do not have "12X18" sheets then you will need to use two pieces of paper and tape them together at the top.
Teapots can be any color that you choose...even white (if you want to decorate them)
You will need the following supplies: glue, scissors, red or pink construction paper (for the hearts), markers (to sign cards) any craft items that you choose to use for decorating your cards (optional) and teabags (individual cup or teapot size). If you use the teapot size bags, you may need to adjust the size of your heart.
Let's Get Started
If using a large piece of paper then fold in half (long edge).
If you are using smaller paper then stack two pieces together... one on top of the other.
Cut out the template
Lay the template on top of the construction paper.
Place the top of the template on the fold line...or at the very top of your paper.
If using the larger (folded) paper, make sure that you do NOT cut the top edge apart See the sample pic below.
If you used two smaller pieces of paper, trace around your template and cut the two pieces of paper at the same time. Then tape the two teapot pieces together at the top.


caught you serving
Caught You Serving The Lord
Encourage Serving Others

Encourage your children to serve the Lord by serving others.
Teaching a series on "Serving Others?"
Encourage your children to serve the Lord by serving others.
Any time a child is caught serving...give them the "You Got Caught Serving the Lord - Good Job Soldier" award for the week.
Catch them holding the door open for someone in a wheelchair? See a post on Facebook that speaks about a service project they were involved with, Receive a text or a photo from a parent showing their child serving others? Give them the "You God Caught Serving" award for the week. Allow the child to speak about his mission...what he did and how it helps others.
A fun way to encourage serving.
More ways to acknowledge a child's service to others.
Post it on Facebook, add it to your announcement power-point, have them come to the front to receive their reward, etc.
Allow the child to come on stage to explain what their project was and why they chose it.
Ask parents to snap a photo any time their child is helping with a service project...and send it to you.

jesus first

Fall Family Fun
Leaf Placemats

Family Flashback
Outing and Thanksgiving Craft!
Create your own... "one-of-a-kind" placemats for Thanksgiving
Gather your family and head outdoors in search of the colorful fall leaves
Cut two pieces of waxed paper (approx same size) for each decide on the size.
Using scissors, cut off the long stems from the leaves.
Now it's time to create!
Arrange your leaves on one of the pieces of waxed paper.
Gently place the second piece of waxed paper on top of the first...trying to match the edges the best you can. It doesn't have to be perfect.
Pour out any water that is in your iron.
Heat your iron...cotton setting or lower.
Starting in the center, gently iron over the top piece of waxed paper...trying not to move any of your leaves.
Iron until the leaves are flat and the waxed paper is stuck together.
Using a pair of scissors, make scallops around the edges of your placemat.
Iron your placemat once more to make sure the edges are sealed.
You can also make sun catchers in the same manner.

New Years - Porch Drop - Mission

New Years' - Porch Drop.
Celebrate the new year by creating bags stuffed with a party horn, noisemakers, and confetti (or mini confetti popper). Attach a balloon and the above tag. Send home bags, do drop off's, or host your own countdown on Sunday morning by switching things up and counting down to 12:00 (Noon). Teach a lesson about someone from the Bible who changed their lives around...Saul/Paul, Zaccheaus, The Woman at the well, etc.
Note: If you wait until after January 1st, you can get your party items for almost nothing. Save on your budget by stocking up early..

The great pumpkin patch
The Great Pumpkin Patch

Fall is fast approaching!
It's time for warm sweaters, apple cider and LOTS and LOTS of PUMPKINS!
This activity can be used as a porch drop, hand out or drive-thru pickup.
You can add lots of extra fun items into the bag or take away any activity that doesn't work for you or your families.
A few fun items that you can add (if you have the budget) to the bag are:
A real pumpkin for the family devotion time.
A pumpkin carving set ($1.00 at the Dollar store)
A box of "Multicultural" or "Around the World" crayons.
A bag of pumpkin candies (the ones that come out in the fall)
Dice (2) for the Roll a Pumpkin Game
A Candle for the Pumpkin (tea light is fine)
If you're doing a "Drive-Thru" consider creating your own pumpkin patch and allowed them to select their own pumpkin.
Roll A Pumpkin Game

Driving Scavenger Hunt

Create a Pumpkin

The Pumpkin Prayer
Prayer Book For Parents To Use While Carving Pumpkin
(Simply print out and fold together to create a pamplet/book)

To create the book, copy the top two pages back to back and then copy the bottom two pages back to back.
Next... Stack the "Carve out the eyes" page on top of the "Cut off the Top" page and then fold in half to create your book.
Includes a Pumpkin Carving Devotion/Lesson

hugs and kisses drop

egg dying
Egg Dying Made Simple
If you are planning on coloring eggs with your kiddo's try using a whisk. Just stick the egg inside the wires and dip the egg into the dye.
Use a whisk for each color or just give the whisk a quick rinse
and re-use.

fun and creative fonts

Create amazing flyers and slides,
by using creative and fun font's
Enjoy creating your own flyers but hate wasting time looking for the right fonts? Create a font chart and save it on your computer. Just open a new page in word and create a new document titled "Fonts".
List the names of each of your favorite fonts and then highlight each name and select the corresponding font. For instance, type the name "Crazy Dots" and then highlight it. Use the drop-down font menu and select the "Crazy Dots" option. You will have a visual list of each of your fonts. Keep adding to your list. There are a lot of free fonts out there. has a great selection of free fonts with instant downloads that you can download...just to get you started. Make an impact...try out lots of new fonts!
How to load a downloaded font
to your computer
Step one: Downloading and extracting your font
1. Download font…The font will download as a zip file.
2. Create a new folder and save all your font downloads to this folder. Note: Once you have finished installing the font, you can delete it from this folder.
3. Right-click on the zip file (font). Several options will pop up on the right. Hover over the Winzip option. A new window will pop up to the right. Select “Extract to here” and CLICK
4. Your newly (compressed and extracted) folder will automatically appear inside of the same folder that you are working in.
Leave this folder for a few moments.
Step two: Installing your font
1. Click the 'Start' menu on your computer
2. Select the “Computer” option
3. Select the Local Drive (C Drive) Option
4. Click the “program files”. My computer has two options. The “program files” and a “Program Files (x86) file. My fonts option is under the (x86) one.
5. Click the “Fonts” option (Mine is called EZ Fonts)
6. Click the 'Fonts folder
Make your screen smaller here…so you can open both of your pages at the same time. You will be dragging your font from your original folder over to the fonts option on your C drive.
7. Go back to your original font download folder, open each folder and drag the downloaded font to the fonts option in your C drive.
8. You may receive a window that says you need permission to load the file…just click continue.
9. Click on the new file and click install.
That's it! Happy Creating!

play dough recipe
Playdough - 5 minutes
1 cup of flour
1 cup of water
½ cup of salt
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 tablespoon cooking oil
Food coloring if desired
Waxed Paper
Heavy Pan or electric skillet
Large Spoon
Place all ingredients into a heavy pan. (I use an electric skillet to avoid the children being around a hot stove)
Cook quickly in a heavy pan, stirring constantly. Flip with a spatula occasionally.
Remove from heat when the mixture balls up and pulls away from the side of the pan
Place the dough onto a sheet of waxed paper to cool for a few seconds.
Knead the dough until soft and smooth.
Store in an airtight container.
The recipe may easily be doubled
Tip: If you want to make "smelly" playdough, add 1 package of Kool-Aid (any flavor). Smells sooo good! Just dump it in with the dry ingredients and stir.
Sarah Whitsed: Love this! I always make homemade play-dough. I can’t wait to try out this recipe. My best playdough tip is to store it in those glass containers that have the lids with the sides that snap down into place. They create such a great seal, my son is still playing with a batch of play dough that I made in July!
Sue Edgerton: I love your idea of using an electric skillet. At home, my kids always liked using it while still warm; they still talk about that as the best. It would be great to make it fresh at church to use warm.
Sue Edgerton: I love your idea of using an electric skillet. At home, my kids always liked using it while still warm; they still talk about that as the best. It would be great to make it fresh at church to use warm.

Playdough Recipe

no cook playdough
No-Cook Playdough
No-Cook Playdough
5 minutes
This is so easy to make – no cooking required!
Simply mix all the ingredients together and in 5 minutes you have perfect playdough!
You will never need to buy it from the store again!
1.5 cups of flour
1/2 cup of salt
2 tbs of cream of tartar
1 tbs of oil
1 cup of boiling water (An electric tea kettle is a great way to heat your water…safer than a pan of water that can spill easily when trying to pour water.
Food coloring
Pour the first 4 ingredients into a large bowl and mix well.
Combine 1 cup of boiling water with a few drops of food coloring and stir.
Pour the boiling water into the dry mixture
Please take care when using boiling water around children.
Stir well until the mixture is well combined
Roll it out on a flat surface and you are ready for some playdough FUN!
Download Recipe

jelly bean game
Jelly Bean Guessing
and Outreach
Easter is the perfect time for a little friendly competition? Purchase, find, or borrow a 1-gallon mason jar with a lid (a 1-gallon pickle jar will work just fine). Fill the jar with jelly beans ( can place something in the center of the jar to take up space and throw off their guesses...just make sure that you can't see the item from outside or through the bottom of the jar. If you choose to add an item, make sure to slip that item inside a gallon zip-lock bag so that the jelly beans do not get dirty). Set out slips of paper and pencils and allow everyone to guess how many jelly beans are in the jar. (1 guess per visit...encourages them to attend...which is a bonus).
You can easily turn this activity into an outreach event by posting your competition on Facebook. Open your competition to the community and allow everyone to place their guesses on your Facebook page. Allow one guess per week. If you reveal your winner before Easter, make sure to thank everyone and invite them to your Easter services, programs, and activities.


good friday
Good Friday Object Lesson
New Lesson and Games added to download
Add this simple object lesson to your Good Friday teaching plan.
What you will need
Black Sharpie
Large red marker
That's It!
How much easier can it get?
Turn Christ's amazing sacrifice into a memorable teaching moment by recreating the nail marks on each child's hand.
Send the children home with the knowledge that "Christ died for THEM!"

Christmas Angel
Paper Chain Countdown to Christmas

Note: The image has been cropped. Wings are actually rounded.
Paperchain will be stapled to the bottom edge of the angel.
8" White Doiley - cut in half. If you do not have a white doiley, use any paper you choose
8" Gold Doiley - cut in fourths. If you do not have a gold doiley, use any paper you choose. I have used gold wrapping paper.
Halo (use a 8" piece of gold pipe cleaner, leave a 1" tail. Shape the rest of the pipe cleaner into a circle and twist to hold.) Halo is flat in the sample photo in order to copy it. Halo should stick straight out in the front.
Paper Chain - Cut 25 1"X 8" wide paper strips (per child). I use red and green and alternate when assembling. Use fewer paper strips if you start after December 1st.
Before We Begin
Gather the following supplies - Blue Construction Paper, White Doiley, Gold Doiley, gold pipe cleaner, computer paper, glue, stapler (with staples), red and green construction paper, scissors. Masking tape, design scissors (if you have a pair) Note: Use a paper cutter to cut the construction paper chain strips (if you have one)
Down load all patterns.
Cut out all patterns.
Cut Doiley's.
Create a halo using the instructions above.
Cut out the paper chain links.
Let's Get Started
Tape the tail of the halo to the back of the blue construction piece. Make sure that the round halo is facing away from you. Secure tightly. Use extra tape. If the halo comes off, consider using a drop of hot glue once the project is completely finished.
Flip the project over. Halo should now be facing you.
Glue the gold wings on.
Glue the white gown on. (Note fold both sides (edges) of the gown under slightly and then glue the folded edges down. This will give the gown a full look. Practice first...if you do not like this look then just cut the white doiley a little smaller and glue it flat.
Glue the face onto the angel
Glue the poem onto the gown
Create the paper chain
Staple the paper chain to the bottom edge of the angel.
Option: I have attached a download for the 25 paper chain links below. Each link has a different scripture reference. Download, print, and cut one set per child. Use plain white paper...or get festive and use alternate red and green pages.

david defeats the giant
David Defeats the Giant
Game and Craft

Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this Philistine will be like one of them because he has defied the armies of the living God. 1 Samuel 17:36
Looking for a fun way to teach your children about faith? About trusting God in times of trouble? About how God is BIGGER than anything? Check out this fun craft/game that children can create and play at church or at home!
Children will paint their own stones, make their own pouch in which to store them, create a playing field and play for hours...all while learning about one little boy...who put his trust in God!
Supplies: For stones (Per Child)
6 Smooth, Flat Stones (1 much larger than the other the others)
1 long piece of yarn to make a large circle on the floor. You may choose to use masking tape instead of the yarn. Either one if fine!
1 black permanent marker
Paint (acrylic, tempera, poster paint, or permanent markers) 6 Colors.
Paint Brushes (1 per child)
Paper Plate to pour out small blobs of paint onto.
Bowls of water to wash paint brushes
Paper towels to dry brushes after washing
Supplies: Pouch for stones (Optional)
1 Piece of scrap fabric
2 Different colors of yarn (regular weight)
1 needle with a large eye...large enough for the piece of yarn to go through the eye. (or a hole punch that will punch through the fabric)
Children will paint each of their rocks a different color.
When the paint dries, the children will use the black marker to write "Goliath" on the larger rock.
They will place a "D" on one of the smaller rocks. Followed by an "A" on the second, "V" on the third, "I" on the forth and finally a "D" on the last rock. Spelling out the name D-A-V-I-D.
Make sure the paint is completely dry before the play begins.
While the stones are drying, consider creating a fun pouch for the stones.
Children can stop at this point and play their game or they can create a pouch for their stones to go into. (Instructions below)
David and Goliath Game
1. Using a long piece of yarn, tie the two ends together and create a huge circle on the floor (using the yarn). Make sure that the rocks will slide well on the floor that you have chosen. You may choose to create a playing field out of masking tape instead of
the string if desired.
2. Place the Goliath stone in the center of the playing area
3. Players will take turns sliding their David stone across the playing field and attempting to knock Goliath out of the circle.
Rocks are to be SLID across the floor not thrown.
1-5 Players
Stone Pouch
While the stones are drying, consider creating a fun pouch for the stones.
1 Piece of scrap fabric
2 Different colors of yarn (regular weight)
1 needle with a large eye...large enough for the piece of yarn to go through the eye. (or a hole punch that will punch through the fabric)
Note: This craft can also be done by using a hole punch and punching holes around the edge of the fabric. Simply run the strings through the holes and complete craft by following step 4 below.

Teacher/Leader/Volunteer Appreciation
(Framed Poem Art)
Volunteer Appreciation
Looking for a creative way to thank your volunteers, teachers or leaders?
Download and frame this beautiful
poem to show them how much you appreciate all of their hard work and dedication.
Simply download, print and frame!

lunch and
Lunch and Learn - Brown Bag Special

Drop off a "brown bag special" lunch to several of your kiddos each day and enjoy a zoom lunch and devotion time. Repeat until you have had lunch with each of your kiddos.
Want to reach families? Drop off lunches to families and enjoy the outdoors... socially distancing lunchtime together.
Keep lunches simple and enjoy time together.

homemade soap
Homemade Soap
Fun craft to help teach that Jesus forgives us of our sins
and washes them away
(Quick and easy craft time)
Running low on soap?
No problem, whip up your own with just 1 bar of soap and 1 gallon of boiling water!
A Great craft for the kiddos to help with!
You will need:
1 bar of soap (4 ounces)
1 gallon of water (3 quarts if you like a thicker soap)
1 large pot
1 container to hold your soap
Note: If you would like to add scented oil to your soap...or use a scented have that option as well.
Step One
Grate 1 bar of soap. You may use a grater, a potato peeler, or even a knife (but be careful).
The get the soap shredded into small pieces so that they will easily melt in the boiling water. Use whatever works best for you...or whatever you have around the house.
Hint: This is a great time to use up all of those little travel soaps that you have around the house!
You will need 4 ounces of soap.
Step Two
Place 1 gallon of water (slightly less if you like thicker soap) into the pot and bring the water to a boil.
Step Three
Remove the pot of boiling water from the stove and stir in the soap flakes (grated soap)
Stir until flakes are melted
Put the lid on the pot and let sit for 24 hours.
Step Four
Use a hand mixer to mix the soap (it will be thick to start with)
Once blended, pour the soap into a container or squirt bottles.
That's it!
Easy Peasy...great kiddo craft!


Do It Yourself Cookie Kits
Looking for another unique porch drop or hand out?
Check this out!
Do It Yourself Cookie Kits. Cookie Kits can be dropped off for any holiday.
Drop cookies, promote family fun time, challenge families to a Facebook competition.
Create nativity shapes for the Christmas season with scripture references for parents to read and families to discuss as they decorate their cookies.

"Taco" Bout

Hosting a Let's "Taco" bout event?
Here are a few ideas for you to consider adding to your event...
Taco bar, walking tacos, pinata, divide into teams and have a dress-up relay with Pancho or sarape, sombrero, skirt, etc. Sombrero Toss...toss over a (cutout) cactus.
Get creative!
FREE LOGO PDF Downloads Below!

paint and praise
Christmas Paint and Praise Party

For More Information on a Paint and Praise Party, Click the link below.

social media freebies
Looking for Inspirational messages for your Social Media Posts?
Download these FREE PDF graphics and pop them into your Facebook page, Instagram, etc.

free coloring pages
12 FREE Coloring pages...Simply click, download, print and you are ready to go!

my dad rocks

An awesome gift for Father's Day. Just give each child a rock and allow them to create a custom rock paper weight for their dad. Attach the "My Dad Rocks" tag and you are all set!

big shoes

Father's Day Pics
I have some pretty BIG shoes to fill...if I want to be as AWESOME as you! Sweet Father's Day card to create using dad's own shoes.

candy canes

Candy Canes
Ever wonder what to do with all of those leftover candy canes?
Here are three great...and delicious ideas! Note: Try using the different colored canes as well.
Using a coffee grinder, break the candy canes into small pieces and grind them into a powder. Perfect additive for your hot chocolate or coffee.
Using a meat mallet, place your candy canes into a large ziplock and give it a few good wacks. Being careful not to bust the bag. Break into small pieces...but not powder. Using a parchment paper-lined cookie sheet, place the crushed candy canes into small piles on a parchment paper-lined cookie sheet. Place the stacks close together so that when they melt, they will run into each other. You may use different colors of candy canes if you desire. Place the different colors into small stacks and allow the stacks to melt and run into each a stained glass look. Bake the candy cane pieces at (250-300 degrees) until they have all melted and made one large sheet of candy. Be careful, the candy will be HOT. Cool and then break into small candy cupcake toppers. As the candy canes begin to cool, you can lift and curl the edges to give your toppers a curved appeal.
Crush the candy canes into small pieces and put them inside your cupcake batter. Try using the different colors of candy canes and create stained glass candy. Just put small piles of the different colors next to each other and let them melt together.

christmas coloring pages
7 FREE Christmas Coloring Pages
Download PDF Below

Traveling Jesus
It's Summer Time and many families will be traveling on vacation, outings, picnics, etc.
Don't let them travel along...Pass out Traveling Jesus puppet sheets to each child and let the fun begin.
Where will Jesus travel this summer??
1. Color your Traveling Jesus.
2. Glue your Traveling Jesus to a thin piece of cardboard
3. When dry, cut out and glue to a popsicle stick (Puppet handle)
5. Take Traveling Jesus with you wherever you go this summer:
on vacation, the park, the zoo, the beach, etc.
6. Have someone snap a picture of your "Traveling Jesus" alone, with you, or with a family member.
7. Challenge: tell at least one person that Jesus loves them and take a picture of your traveling Jesus along with yourself and your new friend.
8. Text your pic to your children's leader with a description of where you are.
9. As a family, discuss ways you can share Jesus with others.
Remember to take Jesus with you wherever you go...on vacation, to the park, to the zoo, to the grocery store...or wherever else you travel this summer!
Share the pics at the end of each week, month, or at the end of summer. You can share them on your church's Facebook page, a bulletin board, an announcement screen, etc (however you choose to share your pics.

roll a
Class over early? Big church running late?
Pull out this Roll A Scarecrow and let the fun begin!

new fall coloring pages
New 2024 Fall Coloring Pages

pumpkin object lesson
A Lesson from the Jack-O-Lantern
A fun and creative way of sharing the Plan Of Salvation. Pumpkin Carving Object Lesson

creation coloring book
Creation Coloring Book With Scripture
Designed with the preschooler or younger child in mind.
Perfect for a 6 week series on creation.
We used the coloring book on day 6, the creation of man. Throughout the series, I took photos of each child. The last week, I took copies of the photos (one of each child), a tape measure tape (which I hung on the wall), and my bathroom scales. If I had a visitor on the last day, I allowed them to draw a picture of themselves on the photo page.

grandparent's day
Grandparent's Day is coming...are you ready?
Download these cute Grandma and Grandpa printables, gather a few crafting supplies...scrapbook paper, glue, crayons, and a little encouragement and you're all set!

Scripture Memorization...The Fun Way!
Implement this easy and fun game to help your children memorize and retain scripture.
More Freebies
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