Free (Page 2)
Crafts, Games, Recipes, Ideas, Downloads, Etc.
Hershey Bar Wrap
Valentine's Day Gift And/Or Witnessing Tool
Looking for a fun treat to pass our to your kiddos for Valentine's Day? Looking for an easy witnessing tool?
Simply download the wrapper or your choice, cut it out, wrap around a full-size Hershey bag, and tape...That's it! Easy Peasy!

baseball cross craft
Baseball Cross Craft
Hosting a Sports VBS or looking for something unique and memorable?
Check out this "sweet" craft...with a hidden surprise...a fun game and a framed craft that will actually make it all the way home!

What you will need:
Baseballs...and lots of for each child. Check with the Highschool baseball team...they will probably have exactly what you need. I received two 5 gallon buckets of balls.
Frames (8X10)...If you can't afford frames then heavy cardboard will work. (If you are making it for the Pastor or for your volunteers...invest in a frame. It makes all the difference)
Hot glue and a glue gun
Sandpaper (if you are using frames)
Black or brown spray paint if you are using frames)
Before You Begin:
Remove the back and the glass from the frames and set them aside. (Adults will be assembling the frames when WILL NOT be handling the glass)
Spray paint the frames either black or brown
Run copies of the frame tags
I burn around the edges however, it is a lot of work and you must do it over a sink for the ones that start burning too fast and get away from you. Simple tags are fine...or you can brew a cup of coffee or tea and sprinkle the tags and allow to dry.
Cut the strings on the balls...Just use a razor blade knife and rin it along the seams.
Test one of two to see if your kids are old enough to remove the skins from the balls.
Time to create!
Give each child some sandpaper and allow them to scuff up their frames (Kids LOVE to sand)
Give each child the CARDBOARD backing to their frame.
Allow each child to arrange their ball skins into the shape of a cross, glue them down and press for a couple of minutes.
Helpers may have to go back later and add some hot glue behind each piece to make sure that it does not fall off.
Give each child a tag and allow them to glue the tag onto their craft.
What's Next?
After the skin is taken off of each baseball, you will be left with a ball of string. Hidden inside each ball of string is a little tiny rubber ball (See photo below).
Have one of the tiny balls available to show the children.
Give each child one ball of string and have them locate the starting point of the string.
On "Go" each child will start unwinding their ball of string. The object is to get to their rubber ball first. You may want to do this in rounds if you have a lot of kids. It takes a lot of room and the balls will be rolling everywhere.
NOTE: The string will occasionally break. If it does, they simply find a new starting place on their ball and continue to unwind.
Rubber balls are tiny so use your discretion as to whether they go home with the kids or not. You can always give them to the parents and let them be the judge.
While the children are playing the game, have your helpers work on re-assembling the frames...or send them home later.
Use caution when working with the glass!!!
FYI: Empty frames create a perfect photo opportunity...See pics below!

chalkboard thoughts
Chalk Board Thoughts
Keep a small chalkboard handy for "Chalk Board Thought" just pull it out at random times and ask the children what their thoughts are on different subjects, what their take away from the lesson was, what their take away from the day was, etc.
The "Chalk Board Thoughts" are great for camp. Put the pics into a slide show and play it for your church members when the children return from camp...AMAZING response from your members!

campfire cones
Campfire Cones
What could be better than an Oooey, gooey, campfire cone? Nothing
And what makes it even better is that you do not have to build a campfire to enjoy!
Follow a few simple steps:
1. Take a sugar cone, stuff it with all your favorites...chocolate chips, white chips, butterscotch chips, caramel bits, sprinkles
and LOTS of mini marshmallows etc. (It's up to you!)
2. Wrap it in aluminum foil
3. Toss it in the campfire...or the oven.
4. Leave it long enough for everything to melt together.
5. Remove it from the fire
6. Enjoy!

Scripture Lanterns (Light)
Scripture Lanterns
In advance:
1. Have each child select their favorite scripture that refers to Jesus being "light"
2. Copy and enlarge each scripture
3. Cut around the scripture in a scalloped fashion. Leaving lots of space so that the edges can be burned. Note: Run 2-3 of each scripture verse just in case they do not burn correctly.
4. Carefully burn around the edges of each scripture making sure not to burn any of the actual scripture. An adult should do this and burn only a small section at a time.
Gather the following supplies
1 jar (with a lip) for each child
Each child's chosen verse
Small paintbrushes
String (jute)
1 battery-powered candle per child.
Elmers Glue
On Craft Day
Mix the glue with water to make a thin glue (decoupage)
Give each child a jar, their verse, a small paintbrush, a small paper plate with decoupage on it.
The child will paint the back of the memory verse with the decoupage and stick to the jar.
The child will paint another layer of decoupage over the memory verse making sure that all edges are stuck well. Don't over-paint the jar with decoupage or the verse will rip. If it rips, just use a little decoupage and mend it,
The child will then paint their entire jar (outside and inside) with a thin layer of decoupage.
Once the decoupage is dry, wrap a string around the jar (under the lip) a couple of times and tie it in a knot.
Create a handle using string or a thin wire.
Place a candle inside each jar.

spa day
Spa Day - I Feel Loved
It's Spa day...and who doesn't like a trip to the spa?
A Spa day can be as elaborate or as simple as your time and budget allow.
You can host your own girl's spa day, a mother/daughter spa day, visit a salon, have someone from a salon do manicures and pedicures at the church, have each girl do someone else's nails, etc.
The sky is really the limit.
One special place to implement a salon day is at camp. We all have downtime at camp so why not host a "Spa" day in your cabin?
Take plenty of polish, face mask, moisturizer, warm wash clothes, towels, etc. and invite everyone from your cabin to participate. (Look for non-allergenic or gentle products. Before sharing with other churches, check with their leaders.)
Don't forget the adults in your cabin...they need a spa break too and allowing the girls to pamper them a
little is a great way for them to interact with their girls.
It's a great way for your girls to meet children from other churches.

Jesus is the light
Jesus is the Light
Painted Lantern Craft
Create these sweet lanterns using items that you probably already have
lying around the church
7 easy steps
Gather Your Supplies (You can use any jar that has a rim)
Design your jar with foam stickers.
Lightly spray paint your jars
Allow the paint to dry completely
Remove Stickers
Attach String and handle
Place Battery operated light inside

ice cream in a bag

Ice Cream in a Bag
Looking for a "cool" treat for a
hot summer's day?
This homemade, creamy treat is a summertime delight for kids and adults alike.

Shake, shake, shake...shake, shake, shake...Yummmmm!
That's the sound you'll hear as your children whip up a batch of cool, creamy, yummy
"Ice cream in a Bag."
What you will need
Sugar (1 Tbsp per child)
Milk (1/2 cup per child)
Vanilla (1/4 tsp. per child)
Rock salt (Ice Cream Salt) 6 Tbsp. per child
1 pint-size plastic food storage bag (per child) (I purchase 2 per child and double bag)
1 gallon-size plastic food storage bag (per child)
Spoons (1 per child)
Old towels in case of spills, melting ice or one per child for good measure!
Ice cubes or bags of ice (I buy bags of ice.) Purchase enough ice to fill 1-gallon bag 1/2 extra for refills if the ice melts too fast...depends on the time of year. The more ice and salt you use the quicker it freezes.)
How to make it
Fill the large bag half full of ice
Add the rock salt.
Seal the bag.
Put milk, vanilla, and sugar into the small bag, and seal it.
Place the small bag inside the large one, and seal it again carefully.
Shake until the mixture is ice cream, which takes about 5 minutes.
Wipe off the top of the small bag, then open it carefully. Enjoy!
Allow the children to measure and mix their own ice cream...It's something they will remember forever. Adult supervision is needed of course!
Create your ice cream outdoors or on a tile floor (in the gym, on the sidewalk, etc)...accidents do happen.
I always double bag the milk, vanilla, sugar mixture. Just place one small bag inside the other and THEN place the double bag inside the large bag. Some kids can get a little excited and shake too hard.
1/2 cup milk will make about 1 scoop of ice cream, so double the recipe if you want more. But don't increase the proportions more than that -- a large amount might be too big for kids to pick-up because the ice itself is heavy.
Ice does get cold. If a child's hands get cold; or the get tired of shaking, have them place their bag on the floor and turn over and over and over. An old bath towel to lay the bag on may be a good idea. Children would place their bags on top of the towel to turn it over and over on the towel.
If the ice cream does not harden, add more rock salt to the ice bag.
Download Recipe

Thank You Jars
Thank You Jars

The PERFECT gift!
What better way to show someone how much you care than by putting it into words.
Several years ago, my daughter gave both my husband and myself "Thank You" Jars.
On the outside, it's just a simple little jar with a "Thank You" tag attached with Rafia but it's what's in the jar that is so special.
Inside are little handmade cards with Thank You notes for something that we had done for her in the past. Wonderful childhood memories!
Each morning, you take one "Thank You" from the jar and read it.
Each morning a new memory!
I have read these Thank You's over and over again...and they always bring a smile to my face!
Try them out with your kiddo's!
Mom's will love them.
Create them for your volunteers!
They will cherish them!

bunk signs
Bunk Signs for Camp
Have your kids create these cute little bunk signs to hang
on their bunks at camp!
Signs can be made out of wood, plastic, cardboard...whatever you have.
Send the kids out to gather twigs, rocks, acorns, whatever they choose or you can simply use twine, beads, etc.

marker tie
dyed shirts
Marker Tie Dyed Shirts
A new twist on the traditional tie-dyed shirts
Gather the following items
One t-shirt per child
Permanent Markers
Several squirt bottles (Condiment squirt bottles work great)
Rubbing Alcohol
Rubber bands
Red Solo Cups
Place a small section of the t-shirt over the red solo cup (single layer)
Secure it with a rubber band
Create an art drawing inside the circle with the permanent markers
Squirt (liberally) the section of the t-shirt with rubbing alcohol to make the ink run.
Let set a couple of minutes to finish running.
Move to another section and repeat until the shirt is full of colorful art.

campfire banana's
Campfire Banana's
Oooey-Gooey Treats
Campfire VS Oven
Either method works perfectly!
Just slice open a banana, fill it with sweet goodies, wrap it in foil and toss it in the campfire...or oven!

Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall, this treat is absolutely perfect!
The best can do it their selves!
What you will need
Knife (plastic will work just fine)
Spoons or forks (for those who do not want to eat straight from the foil)
Chocolate Chips
White Chips
Butterscotch chips
Mini marshmallows
And anything else you want to toss on top.
How to make it
- Roll out a piece of aluminum foil
- Toss a banana on top of the foil
- Slice the banana open
- Fill the banana with all kinds of gooey, yummy ingredients
- Wrap foil around the banana (tightly)
- Toss the banana in the campfire or oven
- Leave banana long enough for everything to melt
- Remove the banana
- Open the foil and enjoy!

friendship tee's
Friendship Tee's
Going to camp?
Need a "downtime" craft?
Add an "old large t-shirt" to your "things to pack" list for each child.
Toss in some fabric paint, a few foam brushes, a paper plate to pour the paint onto and a sharpie or two and you're all set.
Kids will simply paint their hand, press it onto each t-shirt and sign their name under their handprint.
Perfect take home craft!

Prayer Journals
Create prayer Journals for any occasion or series using a few simple items
Composition notebook
Scrapbook paper
Any stickers, jews, stick-on letters, etc.
Just gather a box of crafty items and let their imaginations run wild!
This is a perfect craft for camp downtime. Simply have the children create a prayer journal that depicts the camp theme.

self esteem
Building Self Esteem
Helping your children build good self-esteem should be a vital
part of your ministry.
Although beauty needs to start from within, the fact is that most people judge by what they can see from the outside.
Help your children see in themselves what God sees in them...Beauty!
One simple way of doing this is photography.
I found this out many years ago while taking senior photos for one of my friend's daughters.
This young girl had self-esteem problems due to her weight. She was a chubby little one from the start and her weight problems continued into her teens.
After taking photos of her for a few minutes, she made the comment "You make me feel beautiful." My comment to her was "You are beautiful." and from that moment on, the photos changed...she changed.
I realized at that moment that giving a child a few minutes of your time...and "focusing" on them...makes all the difference in the world.
I later received a call from my friend. Thanking me for making her daughter feel so special...and beautiful.
If you take a group of girls to camp, host a sleepover, or host an event that allows you to do a special photoshoot of each it. Provide an activity for the rest of the girls (and a leader) and take one child at a time (stay where you are in plain sight of everyone but private enough so that each girl can feel alone and special.) Spend as much time on each child as you can...making their photoshoot special. Have your locations, poses, any props that you may need etc. ready to go before the shoot that you can spend your time making the children feel special.
Not a good photographer? The end photos are not what is important. The end goal is...make them feel beautiful and loved.
Practice, find someone who is good at photography or ask a local photographer to volunteer their services. Making sure that they are capable and aware of the end goal...making each girl feel beautiful and special.
A few photos from camp one year!


Keep the kids coming back each week by doing a camping or campfire series...complete with yummy S'more treats that they create themselves.
All snacks are easy to create and only take a few minutes away from class time.
Teach "action lessons" from the Bible that you would expect to hear around the campfire. Lessons like Daniel in the Lion's Den, David and Goliath, The Fiery Furnace, and other great lessons.
Here are 10 great s'more many more can you think of?
S'more Cones
Sugar Cones
Chocolate Chips
Vanilla Chips
Butterscotch Chips
Mini Marshmallows
Aluminum Foil
Allow the children to stuff as many of the above items into their cones as possible. Top with a lot of mini marshmallows. Wrap the cones in aluminum foil, write the name on the foil, and toss the cone into the oven. Bake just long enough for everything to get oooey and gooey (300 degrees - 5-7 minutes or in the microwave for 1minute). Peel the foil back far enough to eat.
Old Fashion Smore's
Graham Cracker
Hershey Bar (3 Squares each)
Marshmallow (Regular Size)
Aluminum Foil
Hand out 1 Graham Cracker (have the kids break it in half...or break it for them before class begins), 1 Piece of Hershey bar (3 squares), one marshmallow, and a square of aluminum foil.
Have the children place one graham cracker on the foil, top it with chocolate and marshmallow, and place the second cracker on top. Wrap the entire s'more in the foil, write their name on the foil, and pop in over...long enough for everything to melt (300 degrees 5-7 minutes.) Peel the foil back far enough to eat.
The Marshmallow Has It
Marshmallows - Extra Large S’moreMallows
Chocolate Bark or chocolate chips - Melted)
Graham Cracker Crumbs
Hand out one giant marshmallow to each child.
The child will dip the end of their marshmallow into the melted chocolate and then into the graham cracker crumbs.
Easy...isn't it?
Fudge Stripe Cookie S'more
Fudge Stripe Cookies (2 per child)
Marshmallows (Regular Marshmallows of S’moreMallows -1 per child)
Parchment Paper
Cookie Sheet
Roll out parchment paper onto a cookie sheet.
Write each child's name on the parchment paper...leave enough room between each name to place the child's s'more.
Have one child at a time come forward and place one cookie face up (chocolate on the inside) on the parchment paper (next to their name.) Place the marshmallow on top of the cookie. Top with the second cookie (face up.)
Bake at 300 degrees for 5-7 minutes or in the microwave until the marshmallows are soft. As soon as the marshmallows are getting soft and melted, they are ready to eat!
Have hand wipes ready...these are gooey!
Teddy Graham S'more Pops
1 Box of Teddy Graham's
1 Bag of Marshmallows
Chocolate Bark or chocolate chips - melted
Sucker Sticks
Give each child one marshmallow and one sucker stick. Have each child stick the sucker stick into the center of the marshmallow. (will look like a sucker)
Kids will dip their marshmallows into the chocolate and then press 2-3 teddy graham's around the sides of the sucker pop!
You may stick the pops in the freezer for a few seconds if you wish.
Chocolate on the Outside...yummy on the inside!
Graham crackers
Chocolate Bark or chocolate chips (melted)
Parchment Paper
Cookie Sheet
Line the cookie sheet with parchment paper.
Write each child's name on the parchment paper. Make sure to leave enough room for each child's s'more.
Give each child a marshmallow and 2 graham crackers. (One full graham cracker broke in half.)
Each child will make a marshmallow sandwich with their graham crackers and chocolate.
Pop in oven (300 degrees) for 5-7 minutes.
Remove graham crackers, dip one end into the chocolate, and add sprinkles. You may want to put in the freezer for a couple of minutes.
Peanut Butter Cup Smore's
Oh my goodness....these are soooo YUMMY!
Use the old-fashioned S'more recipe that is posted about with one change. Replace the piece of chocolate with a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.
S'more Mix
Teddy Grahams
Chocolate bark or chocolate chips (melted)
Jett Puffed Mallow Bits (or mini Marshmallows)
Wax Paper
Spread the Teddy Grahams out onto a piece of waxed paper.
Melt the chocolate and drizzle over the chocolate.
Sprinkle the mallow bits or mini marshmallows over the top.
Let everything dry
Scoop up and eat!
Brownie S'more Bowls
At home: Whip up a batch of brownies, pour them into cupcake tins lined with cupcake papers, and bake (1 per child)
Pass out the following to each child
One small paper plate each
Chocolate Chips (teaspoon full)
Teddy Grahams (2-3 each)
Mini Marshmallows (teaspoon full)
One pre-baked brownie cupcake
One plastic teaspoon
Have each child scoop out the center of their brownie and fill it with chocolate chips and marshmallows. Microwave each brownie until the marshmallow and chocolate chips are melted.
Stick the teddy grahams on top.
Eat with their spoon.
Hershey's S'more Snack Mix
Honey Made Lil Squares (Graham cracker aisle)
Mini Marshmallows
Peanuts or salted pecans if there are no allergies.
Set out bowls of each ingredient and allow the child to mix their own...however, they choose.
Set limits on the candy.
You can also add anything to the mix that you choose...chocolate chips, white chips, etc.

homemade snowcone
Homemade Snow Cone Syrup
Let's Begin

Spring is on the way which means that it's almost Snow Cone Season.
Plan ahead and whip up several batches of homemade syrup NOW!
It's's easy...and it's inexpensive.
Snow Cone Syrup Recipe
1 cup of water
1 cup of sugar
1 packet of Kool-aid
Combine water & sugar & boil for 3 minutes.
Remove from heat, add Kool-aid, & mix well.
Cool & put in containers.
Each batch makes 1 cup of syrup. Double...triple or quadruple to make large amounts.
Although the recipe is basically sugar and water, I still refrigerate....but probably not necessary.
FYI - Skip the snow cone cones and opt for cups with a spoon. Quick, easy and less mess.
Bonus: Invite some of the older ladies in your church to come help whip up several batches of syrup. This is a perfect opportunity to draw them into the children's ministry without them having worked directly with the children.
Whip up enough syrup for your entire summer...don't forget VBS!


It's all about "LOVE". Celebrate Valentine's Day with a memory verse competition. All verses teach on the subject of "Love".
14 "Love" verses (Feb 1st-14th) that teach children how to love one another...and those around them.
Upload one of the "Love" verses onto your Facebook page each morning and challenge the children to learn a new verse each day.
Reward them with a special prize, treat, or activity if they complete all 14 verses in 14 days.

Easter Story Cookies

chocolate oatmeal cookies
Chocolate No-Bake Cookies and
Bible Scavenger Hunt

Thinking bout teaching a "Cooking Class?
These Chocolate No-Bake Oatmeal Cookies are the BOMB!
Go on a scavenger hunt through the Bible to solve ingredient clues.

Gather the following items/ingredients
2 c. sugar
1 stick of butter
1/3 c. cocoa
1/3 c. peanut butter- (I prefer the crunchy)
½ c. milk
3 cups of oatmeal
Cooking Pot
Waxed Paper
Wooden Stirring Spoon
Roll out 3 - 24" pieces of waxed paper onto your counter.
Add sugar, butter, cocoa, peanut butter, and milk into the pot.
Mix well
Bring to a boil
Boil for 2-3 minutes
Remove from heat
Add the oatmeal and mix well
Using a tablespoon, scoop out the cookies (batter) and drop them onto the waxed paper. (It works best if you use two for scooping the cookies from the pan and one for helping to remove the cookies from the scooping spoon onto the waxed paper)
Let set to cool
Chocolate No Bake Oatmeal Cookies
Mix together:
2 c. sugar
1 stick of butter
1/3 c. cocoa
1/3 c. peanut butter- I prefer the crunchy kind but either will work.
½ c. milk
Mix the above ingredients together and boil for 2-3 minutes.
Add 3 cups of oatmeal and mix in well. Spoon out onto a buttered cookie sheet or waxed paper. Let set to cool.
Bible Scavenger Hunt
Want to add a little extra twist to your baking series? Have the children take out their Bibles and solve the ingredient clues before you begin baking!
Find the scripture, read the passage, fill in the blank and draw a line to the correct ingredient picture. Downloads are below!
Answer Sheet

Clue Sheet


Mother's Day
Personalized Coffee/Hot Chocolate Cups
Hot Chocolate Bar
Looking for something new for Mother's Day?
Why not a hot chocolate or coffee bar...complete with personalized Mother's Day Cup Wrappers. Choose from over 20 wrappers below. Simply download, print, wrap...add a drop of glue to make sure that the label is secure... and you're all ready to go!
Pass out to-go cups filled with delicious flavor coffee's or check out my Hot Chocolate Bar event for ideas on how to host your own.

jesus loves me this much
Jesus Loves Me This Much Valentine Craft

My sweet grandbabies...
A day at grandma's house!
Let's Begin
A Fun Valentine Craft to remind the children how much God loves them!
Download Templates Below
Gather Red and Pink Cardstock, scissors and paper cutter.
Run copies of all templates. Use red or pink (or both colors) copies.
Cut out pieces
Cut long strips of cardstock to be used for the arms. Size - approx 1" X 11" (Paper cutter works great here)
Glue Together
Teach the children how much God loves them...lots of great lessons in the Bible!
Download Templates Below

Heart Handprint Craft - Valentine Card

My sweet grandbabies...
A day at grandma's house!
Let's Begin
A Valentine's gift from the heart!
Download Templates Below
Gather white card stock, red and/or pink paint, a bowl of water to wash hands, towel, 1-2 foam paintbrush (depending on the age and size of the class),
Old paint t-shirts (to protect clothing)
Run copies of the template below
Have the children sign their names on the bottom and date.
Paint hand
Press handprint onto the card...forming a heart.
Wash and dry hands

Download Template Below

Mother's Day
Chocolate Covered Strawberries
What mom doesn't like Chocolate Covered Strawberries?
They are soooo easy to make and will add just the right touch to your hot chocolate/coffee bar event.
Let's Get Started!
16 ounces milk chocolate chips (Approx 18-24 Berries...depending on the size of your berries)
2 tablespoons shortening
1 pound fresh strawberries with leaves.
You will need to adjust ingredients to fit the size of your group
Wash and dry your berries thoroughly. You may want to do this the day before so that the berries are completely dry.
Melt the chocolate and shortening, stirring occasionally until smooth. Some people use a double boiler to melt their chocolate. I use the microwave and stir often.
Insert toothpicks into the tops of the strawberries.
Holding them by the toothpicks, dip the strawberries into the chocolate mixture.
Place the dipped strawberries onto waxed paper or drop them into individual mini cupcake papers to dry.
Melt some white chocolate and drizzle over the top of the chocolate if you choose.


donut drop
Drop off small packages of powdered sugar donuts, a bag of donut holes, a box of donuts, or even a gift card for your local donut shop. Let them know that you are thinking of them.

Valentine's Day - Porch Drop
Looking for a Valentine's Day Porch Drop...Attach one of the tags below to a box of Little Debbie's Valentine treats, a box of Conversation Hearts, a heart-shaped sucker, a small box of heart-shaped chocolates, Hershey Hugs and Kisses, a jump rope, a moon pie, or a purchased/baked heart-shaped cookie treats. Add your own devotional, scripture, and a couple of fun treats (optional: a balloon, a couple of pieces of chocolates, a valentine's cards) and you're all set.

the golden ruler drop
The Golden Rule "Rulers"
Bags can be dropped off, used as a drive-thru promotion, or handed out in person.
Create a golden ruler bag filled with a golden ruler, bookmark, backpack tag, a sheet of situation cards to encourage family discussion, a candy bar (with a golden ticket hidden inside a few of them) and any other school supplies that you wish to include. The golden ticket winners will win various school.
Bag Tag

Purchase a ruler for each bag. Using a sharpie, write "the golden ruler" on the backside. 'If you can find wooden rulers, they would work best.

Create situation cards to go inside each bag.
Situation cards will encourage family discussion (sample below).
print out the blank card below, create several different situation cards and include it in each child's bag.


Create situation cards to go inside each bag.
Situation cards will encourage family discussion (sample below).
print out the blank card below, create several different situation cards and include in each child's bag.

Backpack Tag

gummy bear drop

We're Nuts
about you

The Christmas Nail
(Tree Ornament)

The Christmas Nail
It's Christmas time at our house and we are putting up the tree.
I wish I could find one simple way to remember Christ's gift to me. Some little sign or symbol to show friends stopping by.
The little baby was born one day, But He really came to die.
Some symbol of His nail-pierced hands, the blood He shed for you and me...
What if I hung a simple nail upon my Christmas tree?
A crimson bow tied 'round the nail as His blood flowed down so free
to save each person from their sin and redeem us for all eternity.
I know it was His love for us that held Him to that tree,
but when I see this simple nail I know He died for me.
Poem and Gift Tag Download

Attach a tag to each nail using a red piece of ribbon, string, yarn, etc. Attach a red bow if you wish.
Gift Tag

Before We Begin
Purchase or gather the following supplies
6-8" nails from the hardware department - Lowe's, Home Depot, etc (one per child)
Small red bows (1 per child). They come 12 per package (approx) and can be found at the $1.00 store, Dollar General, or any craft store.
Ribbon (any kind) - Cut into lengths (8-10" - One per child)
Hole punch
Let's Get Started
Download, print, and cut apart "The Christmas Nail Poem" page
Download, print and cut apart the "Gift Tag" page
Using a hole punch, punch a hole in the upper left-hand corner of the poem
Using your 8-10" piece of ribbon, fold it in half and make a loop. Attach the ribbon to the top of the nail. This loop is for hanging the ornament on the tree.
The little red bows come with a gold ribbon/pipe cleaner already attached. Separate the two ends of the pipe cleaner that are hanging loose and stick one end through the hole on the poem page.
Place the nail between the two ends of the pipe cleaner and twist to attach the poem and bow onto the nail.
Place the nail in a gift bag or box and attach a gift tag to each one.

Hygiene Flyers (Free Downloads)
Fun, Downloadable Hygiene Tips!
Share safe hygiene tips with your kiddo's and parents as you get ready to "Celebrate" together once again!
Download the files below and create your own flyers, slides for the big screen, porch "drop offs", mailers, etc.

Use this activity as a "porch drop" activity by dropping off a bubble wand (or bottle of bubbles) a bar of soap, the DIY liquid soap recipe, a framed (or unframed) copy of the handprint poem and the handwashing sheet as a reminder to wash their hands often. Attach the tag and you are ready to hit the road. I hope you enjoy getting to see all those beautiful, bubbly faces!
FYI: You can also add Bubly brand sparkling water to your drop-off if you choose.
You can find them at grocery stores or at Amazon.

scripture cookies
Scripture Cookies
Take a journey through the Bible to solve the baking ingredient clues.
Solve the clues, add the ingredients, mix up and bake some delicious cookies.
Cookies can be mixed and bagged amd taken home to bake if you do not have a kitchen available.

Father's Day
hershey bars
Looking for a fun treat for your children to hand out on Father's Day?
Simply download the wrapper, cut it out, wrap it around a full-size Hershey bag, and tape...That's it! Easy Peasy!
If you have a child who does not have a father, download the "Thank You for Investing In Me" or the "You're My Superhero" label so that child can create a bar for someone that has been influential in their life. Pastor, teacher, someone from the church, neighbor, uncle, step-father, etc.

appreciation day
Looking for something different for Pastor Appreciation Day?
Imagine the look on his/her face when they open their office door and find a gazillion balloons stuffed inside their office.
Simply inflate a gazillion balloons and stuff his/her office FULL of balloons.
Attach a "Just popping in the say how much we love and appreciate you" sign on the door with a large pin attached to it for popping the balloons.

promotion week
Welcome new children into your classroom with a "Welcome to the Children's Department" Bag.
Just print out the tag, attach it to a bag, punch a hole in the bag and attach a helium balloon.
Then stuff it with fun items, a Bible, a notebook for taking notes, or anything that you would like.
Remember to download the 2 printable parent messages and include them into your bags.

30 Days of back to school fun

pastor appreciaton
Looking for something cute for your children to pass out on Father's Day? Simply download the PDF, cut it out, wrap it around a full-size Hershey bar, and tape. That's it. Easy Peasy.
Two designs to choose from.

upside down and backwards day

Looking for something new to celebrate the ending of Daylight Saving Time?
Try a Backwards Day!
Children will wear their hats, shirts, etc backward and when they check in, they will be met with LOTS of surprises!
Provide the children with a "Welcome My Name Is" name tag and have them write their names backward. Don't forget to greet them with your own backward sticker in full display.
Call children by their last name.
Turn some items in your room backward...tables, chairs, posters on the walls, etc.
Allow the children to sit in their chairs backward.
Run your service in reverse order...closing announcements first...all the other stuff and then the opening songs (or whatever you do first) last.
Teach from the back of the classroom instead of the front.
If you have several teachers who teach different things throughout the morning, have them teach in a different area.
Read a short book... the last page first and flipping towards the front.
For a snack, serve them their snack (such as a cupcake) upside down in the cup and their drink in a bowl.
For game time, play games where they run, walk or skip backward.
If you form a line, allow the last child to lead out and everyone else follows. Do a contest to see who can recite the alphabet backward the quickest. etc.
As a lesson for the day, teach on how God made the sun stand still for an entire day...Joshua 10. Or any strange lesson from the Bible.
Let your imagination run wild.

rain sticks

Rain Stick
Prior to class:
Purchase one cardboard mailing tube for each child. rice, and 2” nails (smaller if the tube is not 2” across)
From here, you can decide how much you will do prior to class and how much your children are capable of doing themselves. If you allow them to do the painting, then you would want to do this craft over 2-3 weeks working on it a little at a time.
Pound nails into cardboard tube– spiraling the nails up and down the tube.
When you look into the tube, you should see a maze of nails going in every direction.
Roll masking tape around and around the tube, covering all of the nail heads. Don’t be neat, you need it to look rough when it is finished.
Once you have put tape around the entire tube, Take your hands and rub them around the tube. Up and Down. This is where it will begin to look like an actual piece of wood.
Paint the tube black.
After it is dry, take green paint and just lightly feather it up and down the tube. This will give the tube a tree looking effect. (Note you can use a dark brown first and then a lighter brown on top instead of green. Or you can use a black with light brown on top.)
Place glue on one cap and snap it onto the tube. (Make sure all ends are glued EXTREMELY well before putting the rice into them. The last thing you want is a bunch of rice everywhere)
Pour approximately1 1/2 cups of rice into the tube
Run glue around the other cap and snap it onto the tube
For added security, Place tape around both caps. This will keep the caps on until the glue has dried
Wrap a piece of string (hemp works well and is natural-looking as well) around the tube, two or three times, and tie a know. Make sure you leave a piece of string hanging about 8 inches on each end of the string
String beads along each string and tie in a knot at the ends
Stick a feather down through the beads so that the quill end is sticking in through the beads and the feather end is sticking out. Glue into place so it does not come out.
Turn the tube over and over to hear the rain sound.

priority jar

Priority Jar
Before class, gather a small jar with a lid for each child. Fill the jar with rice. Up to about ¼ or 1/2” from the top.
Gather a second container (paper plate) for each child.
In class
This jar represents your day. The rice represents the things you try to get done in a day (i.e. shower, do your hair, do your chores, homework, school, play with friends, activities)
The walnut represents God.
Pour your rice onto your paper plate.
Now, refill your jar with all of the things that you do during the day. As you fill your jar, think about each of the things that you fill your day with.
(Once the jars are full)
Say…Now put God (the walnut) into your jar. He doesn’t fit, does He? We didn’t leave enough time for God.
Now, let’s start over.
Pour your rice out once again. This time let’s put God first…
Time with God should be the first thing that we do each morning.
Now pour your tasks (rice) Back into your jar.
It Fits!
If we put God first...all the other things in our day will fall into place.


Serpent / Snake
Teaching on Adam and Eve, The Garden of Eden, Moses, Satan, etc?
Create these unique snake crafts with your children that will reinforce the lesson and get kids talking!
The instructions below are for Pre-school. If you have older children, allow them to do as much of the assembly as possible. You could even stretch this out to cover a couple of weeks.
As you can see, the bead craft above takes a lot of beads...but don't worry. I created these from old beaded car seats that you can find at most thrift stores or garage own church family may even have one that they will donate to you.
Simply clip the threads and you will have TONS of beads...TONS...for almost no cost...or perhaps free.
I started off by creating clay heads. Simply pull off a piece of clay, roll it into a small ball and then flatten it out a bit. Using two fingers, simply pinch the clay together a bit on the end to create the indention.
Next, thread a large needle with a stout thread and run it through the clay head. Leaving plenty of thread on one end for pulling the snake and plenty of thread on the other end to thread the beads.
Bake the clay heads per clay instructions or leave them out to dry on their own if you have plenty of time.
Once the heads are dry, add a tongue made from felt. Simply cut a tiny rectangle and then cut a V shape in the center. Push it into the hole with your needle and then fill the hole with glue.
Now, you're on to the last step...creating a needle for the children to thread their beads.
How? Take a bread twist tie, fold it in half. Place the end of the yarn (the end where the children will be threading beads) across the center of the tie and twist the twist tie tightly. Twist it all the way to the end. This will create the needle.
That's it for your part!
Now to the kiddo's
Give each child a snakehead, a bunch of beads, and let them go to work.
As mentioned above, the instructions are for Pre-school children. If you teach older children, allow them to do as much of the creating and assembling as possible. You may even choose to use large dull ended needles instead of the twist ties.


Prayer Rock
I’m a little prayer rock…and this is what I’ll do
Just put me on your pillow until the day is through.
Then turn back the covers and climb into your bed
And whack…your little prayer rock will hit you on the head.
Then you will remember when the day is through
To kneel and say your prayers as God loves you to do.
Then when you are finished just dump me on the floor.
I’ll stay there through the night time to give you help once more.
When you get up the next morning…clunk—I stub your toe.
Then you will remember to talk to God before you go.
Put me back upon your pillow when your bed is made.
And your clever little prayer rock will continue in your aid.
Because your heavenly Father cares and loves you so.
He wanted you to remember to talk to Him, you know
Create these cute prayer rocks to reinforce the importance of prayer with your children.
Simple to create...Just give each child a small rock, a scrap piece of fabric, a piece of ribbon, and a copy of the prayer rock poem and you are ready to go!

two feet craft

Footprint Craft
Two Feet
Here's one foot, here are two,
There are many things that they can do.
So skip and dance and praise the Lord,
That's what these two feet are for.

beautiful feet

Footprint / Handprint Craft
Create this sweet footprint craft by using your HANDS!
Simply make a fist, Paint the bottom side of your fist (the pinky side), And press your fist onto a piece of paper.
Dip your pinky finger into the paint and press onto your paper creating toes!
That's it...Super easy!

Mother's Day handprint art

stained glass

Looking for a new activity to do during your Paint and Praise events? Try this easy stained glass activity. Children will paint with markers to create a one-of-a-kind piece of art. Check out the following video that I created with step-by-step instructions. Although I do not like the voice program that I tried, it should give you an idea of how to create your own stained glass work of art.

father's day shirt and tie card
Looking for a unique gift idea for Father's Day? Check out this "Shirt and Tie" craft...complete with hugs and kisses

adding fun elements
Add fun elements to your teaching!
Keep your children focused and intrigued by creating challenging, funny, or factual slides that you drop into your PowerPoint (or other programs) on Sunday mornings.
In the photo foolish did you feel when realizing that the second clown...was you?
Use a slide such as this a segway into your lesson.
Show the picture and allow the children to stare at it for a few minutes. Someone will figure it out quickly. Once they do, talk about how FOOLISH you felt when you figured out the picture. This would be a GREAT segway into a lesson on The Wise and Foolish Man. (Building your house upon the rock)

chocolate mug cakes
Purchase several inexpensive glass mugs and have the children create a chocolate mug cake for their moms.
Add a few simple ingredients, pop in the microwave to bake and there you have it!
Easy, Peasy, Perfect Mother's Day Gift!
Top with whipped cream and/or wrap with cellophane...tied with a ribbon.
Chocolate Cake in a Mug Gift
3 tbsp all-purpose flour
3 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cocoa powder
3 tbsp milk
3 tbsp vegetable oil
3 tbsp chocolate chips
1/14 tsp of vanilla (optional)
Add all the dry ingredients into a large coffee mug and stir with a fork.
Add the wet ingredients and blend until smooth.
Stir in the chocolate chips
Set mugs on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees until done. (Stick a toothpick into the center of each mug to make sure that they are done.
Optional: Microwave each mug for 90 seconds. (Stick a toothpick into the cake to make sure it is done)
Once cool, Place each mug inside a plastic baggie and twist tie shut.