Everything from free downloads, crafts, recipes, ideas, tips, etc.
Friend Day
John 3:16
March 16th (3/16). Host a Best Friend Day... spotlighting "best friends" peanut butter and jelly. Serve peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or a toast bar!
Complete the day by teaching John 3:16.
Get creative!!!
Note: You may have to make some substitutions for those who have peanut allergies. You could substitute smore's or build a toast bar with lots of goodies...excluding peanut butter.

Me and My Shadow
Looking for a fun way to bring visitors to your church?
Host a "Me and My Shadow" Twin Friend Day!
Challenge your children to bring their best friend, cousin, sibling, or parent, and dress alike.
Be creative...wear the same clothes, fix your hair the same way, wear the same funny socks...hats...glasses...etc.
Click on the link above for a free PDF download.
Click HERE for more "Bring a Twin Friend" ideas!
Snow Ice Cream!
Have you ever had snow ice cream?
It is simple and delicious and your kids are going to LOVE it!
You only need 4 ingredients!
1 cup milk, evaporated milk, half-and-half, or cream
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp. vanilla extract
8 to 12 cups snow
Click the button above for Free PDF and Directions.

Giant Bed/Table
Make your event extra special by creating a GIANT Bed/Table to match your theme. Just download the template, project it onto a piece of cardboard, and trace around it to create a GIANT headboard and footboard. The perfect accessory for any PJ event, sleepover, daylight savings, or movie night event.

Resurrection Eggs
The Easter Story...Told with a box of plastic eggs. Just fill each egg (12) with simple objects...most are readily available items that you have around your house and a few printable pictures that are provided. Just grab an empty egg carton, fill 12 eggs, print out the information sheet and you are all set.

Moon Pie Drop
Leave a box of moon pies and a "I'm Over The Moon For You" notecard on each families doorstep. Let them know that you are thinking of them!

Hershey Wrapper
Looking for something cute to pass out to your kiddos for Valentine's Day? Simply download the PDF, cut it out, wrap it around a full-size Hershey bar and tape. That's it. Easy Peasy. A simple way to show the children how much you...and God... love them. Great for volunteer gifts as well.
Snowman Church Event
If you have an outdoor space at your church and there is a lot of snow in the forecast, round up the troops and build snowmen!
Hang/display a catchy sign on/beside each snowman inviting guests to join you for church on Sunday!
Those who cannot be in the snow can sign up for the "sign" team to help create invitation signs which will be placed by each snowman!
Don't forget the hot chocolate and cookie bar to warm up afterward!

Chocolate Mug Cake
Purchase several inexpensive glass mugs and have the children create a chocolate mug cake for their moms.
Add a few simple ingredients, pop in the oven or microwave to bake and there you have it!
Easy, Peasy, Perfect Mother's Day Gift!
Top with whipped cream and/or wrap with cellophane...tied with a ribbon.

Needing certificates for your Costume Contest? Download these FREE certificates (Newborn-Adult) Hint: I use carpet squares with numbers on them for our cakewalk (40+). When it is time for the costume contests, I have all contestants stand on a cakewalk number. The judges stand in the center... a super simple way to view and judge each contestant.

The Pencil Project
Pencil Drive Mission Project! The possibilities are endless! Host a boy vs girl competition, kick off a pencil drive for an area school, stock up your resource room, or collect pencils that will be placed inside the Operation Christmas Child Shoe boxes later this year. Buy those pencils NOW while prices are low!

Pool Noodle Sabers
Coming Soon

Giant Dice
Coming Soon

Friendship Bread
Amish Friendship Bread Starter.
A perfect craft for "Bring a Twin Friend," "Friendship Day" or any other events revolving around friendship!

Words of our Mouth
Take advantage of the "mask" wearing situation that we are in to teach your kiddo's the importance of the words that they speak and about being kind to one another.
National Popcorn Day
Take this opportunity to teach the kiddos an important Bible truth about what happens when God turns the heat up!
Demonstrate how a hard, inedible seed becomes a fluffy, delicious treat.
Go all out by serving popcorn, teaching the object lesson mentioned above, and teaching on someone; Daniel, Joseph, Jonah, Moses, etc. whose life was "heated up" because God was up to something good!

Easter Cookies
Celebrate Easter by making these delicious Easter Story Cookies with your kids. This activity can be sent home as part of a family fun night, used as a porch drop or take home, can make them at church using a pan of cookies baked the night before as your end product.
An interactive Easter lesson is included!

Easter Scavenger
Easter Nature Scavenger Hunt
Discover the true meaning of Easter by taking your kiddos on a nature walk/scavenger hunt?

Fruit of the Spirit
Fruit of the Spirit Team Competition.
Create teams, encourage teamwork, help local missions, learn the 9 Fruit of the Spirit, and Memorize 9 new verses! Set up the competition (any way you choose) and let the fun begin! Prizes can be whatever you choose! Fruity treats throughout the competition would add additional excitement!

Glow Bubble Sabers
Coming Soon

Popcorn Drop
Leave a box of popcorn and a "Just Popped In notecard on each families doorstep. Let them know that you are thinking of them.

Ice Cream In A Bag
July 17th* is National Ice Cream Day. Celebrate with a Family Fun Day, Sundae Sunday or simply serve ice cream cones at the end of the day. I have added several different pieces of artwork so that you can create the ice cream event of your choice.
* Date changes each year...always on a Sunday!