Free (Page 3)
Crafts, Games, Recipes, Ideas, Downloads, Etc.
hershey bar
super hero
hershey bar
mother's day
valentine's day
St. patrick's day

Don't know where to start? Check out the links below for more inspiration!
More information and "How To's on making Shamrock Shakes
Green Milk and Lucky Charms
flower power sunday
seed mats
Seed Mats for "Flower Power Sunday"
Mother's Day
Simply create the seed mats, cut into "envelope size" mats and slip inside and envelope for Mother's Day gifts.
Create Seeds Mats
1. Gather brown paper
2. Tear paper into small pieces
3. Place a handful of paper into a food processor
4. Add water
5. Blend paper into pulp
6. Pour the paper pulp into a colander to remove excess water
7. Sprinkle seeds onto the pulp
8. Stir Gently
9. Pour the seed mixture/pulp into a cake pan and spread into a thin layer
10. Using a towel, pat off the excess water
11. Allow the pulp to dry thoroughly (takes a few days)
12. Tear/cut the seed mat into desired size pieces.
13. When ready to plant, place the mat into a pot/ground, cover with dirt, water.
14. You can cut the mat into pieces if you want to plant in several locations.

easter bonnet parade

Put on your Easter bonnet (or Fedora) and get ready for an Easter Parade...Crazy Hat Day.
Challenge your entire church (young and old) to create Easter Bonnets or Fedora's and host an Easter Parade. Contestants will wear their hats during your Easter Potluck/Dinner or Egg hunt (Whatever celebration you are hosting at your church). Have your contestants line up and parade around the room so that all hats are seen. Make sure to give each contestant a number and ask your members to vote on their favorite hat for each category. Award prizes for the different categories if you wish. Don't forget to set up a photo booth (it can be simple) to capture family memories...and those silly hats!) If you don't want to host a parade on Easter Sunday, consider Palm Sunday or even the week following Easter. If you want to host your event for children only, you can do that as well. It's your creative!

Simple Cross Craft with a BIG impact!
Just cut out one cross and one of each of the 7 different colored squares per child and you're all set. Teach your children about the great sacrifice that Jesus made for each of them!
If you would like to hang your crafts, simply use a hole punch and punch a hole on both corners of the cross beam
Ascension craft

Jesus Goes to Heaven Craft!
Hands-on cut and paste craft for all ages. Children will physically move Jesus from the mountain top to heaven where He will disappear into the clouds.
1. Cut out the pieces
2. Glue the 4 arrow pieces together...end to end
3. On the BACKSIDE of the cloud template, run a line of glue along the top edge (BACKSIDE) of the cloud piece ONLY!
4. Attach the arrow strip to the top (Backside) of the cloud. Make sure that you do not glue down the entire strip...attach to the top edge only!!! Kids will run the Jesus template up the arrow strip and behind the cloud. If you glue the entire length of the cloud, you will not be able to run the Jesus template up and behind the cloud.
4. Cut out the Jesus piece and then fold the white tabs backward and behind Jesus.
5. Glue the white tabs together but do not glue them to Jesus.
6. Run the arrow piece through the white tabs on the Jesus template.
7. Glue the Hill/Worshipper piece to the bottom edge of the arrow strip.
You can now run Jesus up the arrow strip and behind the cloud.
fist pump challene

Taking your children to camp or on a road trip this summer?
Looking for a great family challenge?
Looking for a way to thank the great trucker in our nation?
Try a "Fist Pump" challenge.
Children/families will simply do the fist pump motion as they pass 18 wheelers on the interstate. The goal is to see how many 18 wheelers will blast their horns in response...making a joyful noise to the Lord!
Make up your own rules!
Note: September 11-17th, 2022 in National Truck Driver Week.
Children/families can also make handheld "Thank you," "God Bless You," or Drive Safe" signs that they hold up as they pass trucks on the highway.
mother's day
bath salts

Download the free template.
Fold in page in half.
You have several options for sweet smelly bath products
Fill a small baggie with bath salts
Fill small jars with bubble bath
Purchase small bottles of bubble bath
Purchase a bath bomb for each mom.
Attach the card to the bubble bath with a piece of ribbon. You can wrap your gift in netting before attaching a ribbon if desired.
You can also place the child’s handprint inside the card if you wish.
get noticed!
Lost in the Crowd!
Planning on participating in a town festival, carnival or parade and need a fun and creative way of getting noticed?
Check out these 6 GREAT ideas that will have families searching you out!
1. Bubble Machine and Bubble Pool
Plug in a bubble machine and watch families come running in search of the bubbles.
On a good day...with even a gentle breeze, the bubbles will float for blocks!
Families will flock to your booth!
Once the families show up, have a bubble pool ready for the children to enjoy free bubbles. Make sure that you have plenty of bubble wands for the children to wave in the air.
Tip: Make sure to place cardboard, carpeting, a rug or something non-slippery under and around your pool. Bubbles can cause concrete or grass to become slippery. Taking a moment to cover the area around the pool is well worth it.
2. Pass out helium balloons with the little flashing lights (Neon Loons - inside and a Matthew 5:16 tag attached. 5:16 Let your light shine...etc. You could also put the church name on the back of the tag. As children/families spot the balloons, they will search out your booth for a free balloon...bringing the children straight to you.
3. Pass out goodie bags with handles that are a BRIGHT neon color. Bright yellow, pink or green are perfect. As the children walk thru the festival, the bags are EASY to spot and will have families asking each other where the bags came from. Families will make it to your booth to receive a free bag. Bonus: The bags are easy to spot so that you won't miss anyone or accidentally hand out duplicate bags to the same families.
4. Hand out free balloon animals, balloon, balloon crowns, etc.
5. Hand out free icee pops to EVERYONE. Mom's, Dad's, Kids Etc. Icee pops are extremely cheap and everyone loves a good icee pop!
6. Face painting...Free face painting is always a win!

Fearfully and
wonderfully made
FREE PDF Download to use in your ministry.
Great to add to your social media, teachers meeting, etc.
Adding objects to your lesson plan will help to get... and keep... a child's attention.
I once had a little girl ask "What did you bring to show us today?"
The following object lesson is an excellent way to show your children that God loves them more than any thing else that He created.
Wrap or decorate a cardboard box with a removable lid. Make it look inviting!
Secure a mirror into the bottom of the box.
Start by telling the children that “God made everything in the world...BUT of all the things that He created...there is ONE thing that He LOVES the most...and it is inside this box."
One by one take each student aside and have them look into the box as you open the lid to reveal their face being reflected back at them. (Send each child to different room (to do an activity, etc) with a leader after looking into the box so that they won't ruin the surprise for everyone)
Note: As an alternative, you can attach the lid and simply cut a hole in the top with the mirror secured to the bottom if you choose.

13 FREE PDF Download to use in your ministry.
Looking for an attention getting "Thank you gift" for visiting children?
Looking for a way to invite visitors to come back the following week?
Print out one...or all...of the cards below...attach a sucker (budget friendly...yea!)...and pass out to all visitors. (Note: You can actually pass out to all children if you are looking for a special treat!)
Simply punch 2 holes (marked by X's) and insert a sucker through the two holes. A tiny piece of tape on the back will hold the sucker in place.

roll a pumpkin game
where's tom?
Where's Tom?
Tom the Traveling Turney needs your help!
This activity can be done as a Family Fun Day or a children-only event. Families will disguise their turkey in an attempt to keep him off the dinner plate, take their turkey's with them on Thanksgiving day, take fun photos and dig into the scripture

coloring pages
salvation pumpkin
left and right game
Left and Right Game - Pass the Package
Christmas left-right ornament game. Children will hear the Christmas story and pass
their gift to the left or right each time they hear the words "left" or "right.
Everyone takes home a gift!
Simply gather some boxes or gift bags, place a gift inside each box or bag and you're ready to play.
Items can be a simple candy cane, cookie, ornament, or anything that you choose. All gifts do not have to be the same so you can use up some Christmas odds and ends if you choose.

new year graphic
new year craft
new year Coloring
Celebrate the New Year with these 6 new scripture coloring pages!

Leap Year
new year party horn
"toast" in the
new year
"Toasting" in the New Year! Celebrate New Years' Day with a 10', 20', or even a 30' toast bar. Be creative with all your toppings...and various breads. Children may create cinnamon toast, jelly toast, buttered toast, apple butter toast, etc. Be creative with your toppings!
Line up a few toasters and allow the children to select their own type of bread...and toast it. Then comes the fun part...all the toppings. If you are able to find the individual jellies with the peel-off foil lid...that would be ideal! Same with butter, etc. If not, then having someone place a spoon full of jelly on their plates would work just fine.
Don't forget the plastic knives and spoons for dipping and smoothing! Enjoy!

Hearts and Love
coloring Pages
giant bed
Make your event extra special by creating a GIANT Bed/Table to match your theme. Just download the template, project it onto a piece of cardboard, and trace around it to create a GIANT headboard and footboard. To build your bed, add several tables between the headboard and footboard pieces...make it as long as you want. Top it with some fun fabric or sheets and you have a GIANT table that looks like a bed. Use two-sided heavy tape to attach the headboard and footboard. The perfect accessory for any PJ event, sleepover, daylight savings, or movie night event.

Easter Pics - donkey
Fruit of the Spirit missions
Fruit of the Spirit Team Competition.
Create teams, encourage teamwork, help local missions, learn the 9 Fruit of the Spirit, and Memorize 9 new verses! Set up the competition (any way you choose) and let the fun begin! Prizes can be whatever you choose! Fruity treats throughout the competition would add additional excitement!

mother's day
coloring pages
13 Free Coloring Pages for Mother's Day!
Primarily based on Proverbs 31.

coloring pages
costume contest certificates
Needing certificates for your Costume Contest? Download these FREE certificates (Newborn-Adult) Hint: I use carpet squares with numbers on them for our cakewalk (40+). When it is time for the costume contests, I have all contestants stand on a cakewalk number. The judges stand in the center... a super simple way to view and judge each contestant.

Newborn-Adult Certificates
christmas coloring pages
Psalm 100
Free Coloring Pages

Gems from the past thanksgiving
Left or Right Game
Christmas left-right gift game. Children will hear the Christmas story and pass their gift to the left or right each time they hear the words "left" or "right.
Everyone takes home a gift!