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Kool Aid Wars

Intro - Kool - Aid
Anyone working with children knows that the word "CHILDREN" and "FRAGRANT" are two words seldom used together. However, when you add Kool-Aid, water, and a few $1.00 water shooters...that's exactly what you will get!
"Kool-Aid Wars" is a glorified water gun fight...that smells divine!
Strawberry, grape, orange, cherry scents will fill the air.
Several packages of "fruity" Kool-Aid, a few $1.00 water shooters and a couple 5
gallon buckets filled with water and the battle is on.
Sample Pics - Kool Aid
Sample Pics

Flyer and Slide Sample - Kool Aid
Flyer and Slide Sample

Before we begin - Kool Aid
Before We Begin
A Kool-Aid War is all about good, cool, fragrant fun!
Plan a Kool-Aid war during the summer months...a great "cooling off" event with a twist.
Water Shooters
Water shooters are normally $1.00 each. You can sometimes find packages of 5 at a discount price. Purchase at Wal-Mart, The Dollar Store, or other discount stores.
WORD TO THE WISE...Purchase your water shooters as soon as they become available in the stores (summer merchandise). They will sell out quickly! (purchase extras for paint wars and for replacement as needed. They are long-lasting however, they WILL break sooner or later.
Eye Protection
Eye protection - I normally do not provide swim goggles for this event however I do tell the children to bring their own goggles if desired. Eye-protection glasses will not stay on long with this event. If you have a budget for swim goggles, it would be a good idea to provide it. We do have a "no headshots" rule.
You will need several 5-gallon buckets filled with water. The number will depend on how many children you have. (Figure 1 bucket per 6-10 kids)
Strawberry, Grape, Orange...any fruity-smelling flavors.
Figure 3 packages of Kool-Aid per 5-gallon bucket of water. Make sure to purchase extra for re-filling buckets
Don't forget to pick up some 5-gallon paint sticks (or a long handle wooden spoon, etc) to stir the kool-aid with.
Water Hose
It is a good idea to have a long water hose attached to the hydrant. It is much easier to stretch the hose to every 5-gallon bucket to fill. Full buckets are heavy!
(I purchased one of the lightweight expandable hoses...super light and durable. I just toss it into a 5-gallon bucket when done and take it with me. They are a little pricey so I purchased them myself and keep them with me at all times...they tend to grow legs and walk off)
A whistle is always a great thing to have when playing outdoors
Let the Games Begin
Hook up the water hose
Fill a 5-gallon bucket with water (Figure one bucket per 6-10 kids - re-fill as needed)
Pour 3 packages of Kool-Aid into each bucket of water. (Prepare a bucket of grape, a bucket of strawberry, a bucket of orange, etc) DO NOT ADD SUGAR
Stir each bucket of kool-aid (stir stick or wooden spoon)
Explain rules (make your headshots should be one of your rules)
Pass out water shooters
Blow the whistle to start play
A perfect night for fruity snow cones, popsicles or Kool-Aid
Have several different games in mind in case the kids get bored.
Boys VS Girls
Team Competition
Line the kids up side by side and have them all shoot their shooters at the same time to see how far they can shoot...perfect picture opportunity
Pool noodle battles - I always cut pool noodles in half and let the kids battle each other (no headshots)
Take along some solo cups and set them up (upside down) for the kids to knock over with their water competition, etc.
Any time the kids seem to have too much time on their hands...throw in a competition and then go back to playing!
Take Pics, Take Pics, Take Pics!
Take short video clips, take short video clips, take short video clips!
If you have extra help, assign the picture-taking duties to someone else!
Extra Help
This activity is very, very, very easy to do. Very little setup and very little clean up.
When the event is over, just have the kids toss their shooters into one of the empty 5-gallon buckets, roll up your hose, toss any trash and you're done.
Make sure you have some extra help on hand.
This is a great event to ask your youth boys to help with!
Let the Games Begin - Kool Aid
Food - Kool Aid
Be Prepared - Kool Aid
Supply List - Kool Aid
Supply List
Water Hose
5 Gallon Buckets filled with water (1 bucket per 6-10 kids)
Kool-Aid - Fruity Flavors (3 of the same flavor packets per each 5 gallon bucket)
5 Gallon stir sticks (or wooden spoons - 1 per bucket)
Water Shooters (1 per child + a few extra in case of breakage)
Swim Goggles (provide or have them bring their own)
Paper Towels
Trash Bag or Trash Can
Snack Ideas (Optional)
Snow Cones, Popsicles or Kool-Aid
Extra Games (Optional)
Pool Noodles - Cut in Half (Pool noodle battle)
Solo Cups (Water shooter game).
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