
the giving tree
12 Months of Mission Event Fun!

Looking for a way to involve your families in local missions?
"The Giving Tree" is the perfect way to get them involved...and meet the needs of your community.
And it all starts...with a Christmas Tree!
You can use a plain, ordinary Christmas tree OR...if you have someone that is handy with tools...have them build a super, fantastic tree from wood.
Since your tree will be the "Main Event" make it spectacular!
Switch the decorations out occasionally, keep it FRESH looking!
Let your imagination run wild.
You may even want to decorate it with a holiday or seasonal theme.
Make it spectacular but leave LOTS of room for the donations.
Remember the adage...less is more!
Bright colors are always an eye-catcher so don't forget to use color in your decorations!
You may want to create a huge "Topper" and keep the rest simple and appealing!
Switch out your mission event monthly!
Here are a few tree ideas for you to consider
Regular Christmas Tree
Select a tree that is large enough to be seen...and one that will hold plenty of donations.
Prepare a colorful collection box to sit beside the tree. All item that is too heavy to go on the tree can be dropped into the box.
Change the look of your tree each month.
Keep the decorations simple...and few...so that you have room for your donations.
Consider spray painting your tree a different color each month. Just take it outside and give it a fresh look. Even a hint of color is good!
Go ahead and add a few items to your tree so that families will know what you are collecting at a glance. For instance, if you are having a sock drive, add a few pairs of colorful socks to get things rolling.
Attach clothespins (hooks, tiny colorful bags, ribbons, etc.) to your tree to be used when attaching their gifts. (you may want to paint the pins various bright colors).
Remember to support your tree. Attach a support wire to prevent it from tipping over onto someone. Although a regular tree (depending on size) is not that heavy...it could still hurt someone.
Send me a picture of your tree, I would love to add it HERE to help kick imaginations into gear!
Wooden Christmas Tree
With a wooden Christmas Tree, you can get even more creative. Design the tree as tall as you like, design it with a little crook or lopsided, etc. You could even create an entire forest with several trees, cotton batting as snow, etc.
Attach cup hooks to your tree for the hanging of donations. Ribbons or small bags could be
added to the hooks as well.
The main thing here is support. Since families will be touching the display, it must be sound in design. A good idea would be to have a support wire attached to the top to prevent tipping over onto someone.
Paint your trees with any creative colors that you would like. Who says there can't be a purple tree?
Create an over to top tree topper and switch out a few things each month.
Go ahead and add a few items to your tree so that families will know what you are collecting at a glance. For instance, if you are having a sock drive, add a few pairs of colorful socks to get things rolling.
If you create your own tree, please send me a picture so that I can add it HERE to help kick imaginations into gear!
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You Know Your Community Better Than Anyone
Mission Events
The following events are simply suggestions. You know your community better than anyone else. If you have a specific mission event in mind...that is not listed, simply send me a message and I will try to create one for you (FREE)
Don't forget to add cards or tracks or tags to each gift.
Reach out to those who are hurting, hungry, cold or lost!
Draft those in your church who may not be able to physically participate in the mission to write cards or fill out tags for each item.
This is the perfect time to start working on future volunteers. Get EVERYONE involved in some way. People want to serve where they see results. If they see a thriving Children's Ministry...they will want to become a part of it.
I have added gift tags and gift card downloads with the download link below.
Teach your children to give and to help those in need...Make one day per month (perhaps the Sunday that your Christmas tree changes to the next mission event) your mission focus. There are some excellent lessons in the Bible such as:
Dorcas/Tabitha - Who did good acts for neighbors, etc. Acts 9
Instruction that Jesus gave to farm owners - Leave the outer portion for those in need and do not harvest fields a second time. (Good whiteboard lesson) Leviticus 23
The Widow of Zarephath 1 Kings 17:7–16
The Shunammite Woman 2 Kings 4:8–10
Joseph of Arimathea Matthew 27:57–60
The Churches of Macedonia 2 Corinthians 8:1-5
Include your children in tagging gifts, sorting, counting...and even delivering the items. There is nothing more powerful than seeing their work in action.


Jesus is Alive
Sidewalk Chalk Challenge
Whip out the chalk and get ready for some AMAZING creations.
This challenge is super easy.
Purchase a box of chalk for each child (Dollar store or Dollar General is perfect). (If your budget is small, place 3 pieces of chalk inside each ziplock bag and attach tag....it's all good!
Attach challenge tag
Send your littles out to create some breathtaking Easter art on their sidewalk.
Children are asked to take photos of their creations and text them to you.
Creations are placed on Facebook.
The winner is selected.
The prize is presented.
Budget saving idea
Watch for after Easter sales and snag-printed plastic Easter goodie bags for almost nothing! The next time you do this event, you can drop 3 pieces of chalk inside the goodie bag and twist tie it to close...cute!)
Watch for end of summer sales and grab up some sidewalk chalk
This event is also the perfect outreach event...It costs nothing to put on...except for a prize.
Post the event/challenge online.
Make sure to include the words "Open to the public...anyone can play!"
Share, share, share your post!
Do a Facebook blast. (A Facebook blast is where you post your challenge on your Facebook page and then everyone in your church logs on at the same time and shares your post with family and friends.)
Allow your challenge to run for 2 weeks (optional).
All participants are asked to text their creations to you.
All entries are posted on Facebook.
At the end of the two weeks, select a winner or run a contest and allow others to vote.
Announce the winner and invite everyone to attend Easter Sunday Service.
Award the prize.

Editable Facebook Invitation
Add your own information on the bottom of the downloaded slide

Editable Bag Tag - Insert your own text.

Laffy Taffy Friday - Faith and Trust
Abraham fell facedown; he laughed and said to himself, “Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?”
Genesis 17:17
So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, “After I am worn out and my lord is old, will I now have this pleasure?” Genesis 18:12
Drop off...or mail a piece (more if you would like) of Laffy Taffy to each child.
Post the Laffy Taffy Competition on your Facebook site
Challenge kids to post their best jokes in the comment section of your Facebook post.
The best joke will win an entire container of Laffy Taffy.

Make Um' Laugh
Take turns being "It"
"It" will try to make everyone else laugh
"It" may not say anything
"It" may not touch anyone else.
Once someone laughs, they become the new "It" and the game continues.
If there are enough participants, you may pair up and play with 2 people on each team.
Genesis 17:17-19, Genesis 18: 10-15 and Genesis 21:1-7
Laughing Sarah
Laughing Abraham
Don’t underestimate God. Don’t laugh. God can do mighty things...things that we do not understand.
Abraham was 99 years old (Genesis 17:1 and 17:17)
Sarah was ninety years old. (Genesis 17:17)
Sarah had a wonderful husband.
She had a lot going for her.
But the one thing she wanted more than anything was a child.
When the Lord visited Abraham and said that he would have a son through Sarah, Abraham fell on his face and laughed (Genesis 17:17)
When the Lord visited Abraham and said they would have a son, Sarah laughed to herself (Genesis 18:10-12). She likely thought it was impossible—and perhaps even ridiculous.
When she overheard the strange guest tell her husband, “Lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son,” she couldn’t help laughing. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
But this was no joke – it was God fulfilling His promise.
Sarah said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” — Genesis 21:6
Yet later as she held her newborn son in her arms, Sarah understood that God was laughing with her. So she laughed again and urged others to laugh with her—not because the situation was funny or ridiculous, but because it was so wondrous. She even named the child Isaac, which means “laughter.”
Sarah said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” — Genesis 21:6
God had brought laughter and hope to Abraham and Sarah.
God’s faithfulness to Sarah and Abraham is one example of how God is faithful to us. God wants to bring all of us laughter and joy. Abraham and Sarah’s long years of disappointment at not being able to have a child ended as the joy of welcoming this baby boy filled their hearts.
The world’s disappointing and long years of waiting turned to a new hope with the arrival of another baby boy: Jesus. That’s what the season of Advent is about. It’s also about Christ’s coming again to bring an end to sin and death and sorrow.
Sometimes it’s hard to believe that joy will come in the morning. But no matter how dark things seem...they will always seem brighter in the morning.
God has a time for everything...and everything is in His timing.
Shadow Puppets and Devotion Review
You will need a flashlight for this game
Turn off all of the lights
Turn on the flashlight
Make shadows on the wall or ceiling using the flashlight and your hands
Guess what the shadows are.
A perfect time for a flashlight review of the evening's lesson on faith and trust in God...even when things seem the darkest.
Blanket Tent (Prayer Time)
For extra family time fun, create a tent using blankets, chairs, tables, etc.
Stretch the blanket(s) over the top of the chairs or tabletop and crawl underneath.
Perfect time for prayer...Take your flashlight along!

Create a fun and memorable "Golden Ruler" bag to teach your children
The Golden Rule (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you)
Bags include a ruler, bookmark, backpack tag, a sheet of "Situation Cards" to encourage family discussion, a candy bar (hide a golden ticket inside some of the candy bars for a chance to win misc. school supplies), and anything else that you would like to include.
The Golden Rule for Peace
Porch Drops, Drive-By Pick-Ups, Hand-Out's
or Back to School

Create "Situation Cards" to go inside each bag.
Situation Cards will encourage family discussion and devotion time.
There is a sample card below along with a link to an editable version of the card.
The font used to create the Situation card is
"Princess Sophia" and can be downloaded free at 1001freefonts.com
Golden Pencils
If you would like to purchase golden (personalized) pencils that read "The Golden Rule, you can find them at oriental trading for $9.99/24 Count

Challenge Your Families to a
"House of Cards" Competition
Who can build a house using all 54 cards?
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” Matthew 7:24-27
Drop off...or mail a deck of cards to each family. (Optional: Most families have a deck of card...you could provide a deck for only those needing them)
Challenge families to build a house of cards...using all 54 cards.
Challenge families to have a Matthew 7:24-27 devotion time while building their houses.
What a perfect time to teach your children about building their lives on Christ...Trusting God...Faith!

Download and edit with your own information

Spot the Difference
Teachable Moment
We are all flawed!
In a
deck of
spades are
always black

Porch Drop or Packet Tag

More Ideas and Suggestions!
Include a copy of Matthew 7:24-27 with your cards
Include a list of topics for each family to discuss as they work on building their houses.
Turn your "Family Fun Night" into a Facebook competition. Ask families to submit 2-3 photos of their family fun night...one photo of the completed house of cards.
Select a winner(s) and give out Lowe's or Home Depot gift card...to be used for home improvements (support local businesses if possible)
Use this activity as a "Porch Drop" activity. Drop off a deck of cards to each family with the above tag attached.
Have an acronym competition...have each family create an acronym using the letters C.A.R.D.S. - Example Christ Alone Redeems and Delivers Sinners...Hand out gift cards for the best acronym.
Suggest that families skip cooking for one night and "Build a Sandwich" instead...another great teaching moment!
Print out the "Can you spot the error-flaw" page and hand it out to each family...a great time to teach the children that we are all flawed.

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” Matthew 14:23
NOTE: This event can be re-named and used any time of the year. Bon-Voyage Winter, Bon-Voyage School, etc.

Encourage your families to throw a Bon Voyage party that will send the Coronavirus packing!
Families will use items that they already have around their home...or make their own.
Encourage families to decorate, decorate, decorate by using:
Leftover party decorations...from ANY or ALL holidays, parties, etc.
Cut up scraps of paper to create confetti
Create "Goodbye Coronavirus" posters, yard signs, banners. sidewalk chalk farewell's etc.
Hang streamers
Hang balloons on their mailboxes
Display their banners, posters, yard art in their windows, on their front lawns, etc to encourage their neighbors.
Bake a cake...or any other party favorites!
Dress in summer outfits...sunglasses, shorts, sun hats, etc and party! party! party!
Cruise on outa' here: Families will make their own paper boats (sample template below) and award prizes for different categories. (If you prefer to make a paper airplane and have a competition...that is fine too.)
Protect yourself: Families will draw names; amongst their family members and wrap gifts for each other. Gifts can be hand sanitizer, soap, hand wipes, homemade funny mask, etc...anything that will protect them while sending off the virus.
Take a hike: If families are allowed to go outdoors, encourage them to take a walk around their neighborhoods. They may carry their posters, banners...even their balloons if they choose...to spread a little cheer amongst their neighbors!
Encourage families to spend time in God's Word...and to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for the virus to "take a hike"!
Quick Pick: Arrange items about the floor and have family members pack a suitcase or travel bag as fast as they can. Set a timer and have prizes for whoever can pack the bag fastest.
Where is it? Name a place in the Bible and have a competition to see who can find it (in the Bible) first. You may have to team up if you have small children.

Devotional and Prayer time...Pray, pray, pray!
Matthew 14:22-33 as a family.
Use the download below to get you started.
Peter Walks on Water
Put Your Trust in Jesus
Additional Activities
Use this family time to discuss upcoming vacation plans...or dream vacations.
Plan a special outing for "post" virus days...when things are safe. A picnic, a hike, a day trip, etc. Or, allow each person to select a family "day" trip outing and spread the celebration out over several weeks.
Have each family member select a place that they would like to visit one day...encourage them to research that location during their free time and then gather together for another fun night of learning about each person's "dream location."
Search for churches in selected "dream" locations and become "pen" pals with them (e-mails, text, etc). Learn even more about each selected location...how is the virus affecting their area, how is it affecting them etc. Pray for them.

(Family Fun Night - Social Distancing - Leprosy)
Keep Out Corona
Hat Day!
Note: This event can be re-named and used for a Crazy-Hat Night...any time of the year.
An optional "Crazy Hat Night" flyer download it attached.
Welcome to Crazy-Crazy-Crazy Family Hat Day...Corona Virus Style
Parents will help their children learn what social distancing
looks like by creating a crazy-crazy-crazy 3' hat.
Families will take an existing hat (or create one entirely from scratch) and add onto their hat in all directions until their hat measures 3' in all directions.
(From side to side and from front to back)
They can use any supplies that they have around the house...no limits!
Extend the width with pool noodles, cardboard, pipe cleaners...ANYTHING!
There are no rules except that the hat MUST measure 3'...side to side
and front to back.


Luke 17:11-19
Jesus Heals Ten Men With Leprosy
11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. 12 As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy[a] met him. They stood at a distance 13 and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”
14 When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.
15 One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.
17 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” 19 Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”
The Story of the 10 Lepers - Downloadable Lesson
Remembering to say "Thank You!"
Have parents pray with their children.
Thanking God in advance for the healing of our nation.
Thank Him for what He is teaching us through this pandemic.
Thank Him for using this virus to further His kingdom and to reach people who have never heard His Word before.
Thank Him for all the un-selfish people who are working so hard to take care of those who are ill, those who are doing research to find a cure, those who are keeping the shelves filled at the grocery stores and the truckers who are working hard to keep it coming etc.
Pray for healing of our world and the removal of the pandemic.

(Drop and Go Challenge)
Just Popped In
Looking for a new way to connect with your families?
Try a "Just Popped In" popcorn challenge coupled with a "Friday Night at the Movies" family night.
Two great activities all rolled into one BIG, FUN, EXCITING, FAMILY FRIENDLY CHALLENGE!
Drop off bags of popcorn...regular popping corn or microwaveable bags will work...just make sure to leave plenty for each family,
Challenge families to create their own "special" popcorn and host their own "Friday night at the movies" event....complete with sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, pj's, a family-friendly movie...and their very own popcorn creations.
Challenge families to take and 3 pics from their fun evening and text them to you. Or, create a special Facebook post promoting your event and ask parents to submit their pic in the comment section.
One of the pictures must be a photo of their popcorn, they must include a list of the ingredients used and a name that they have chosen for their popcorn creation. One photo must be a family photo, and one photo of their own choosing.
Grand Prize - Theater tickets for the entire family (support local theaters), a new "Family-friendly" DVD, a movie night gift basket...or whatever you choose.
Encourage families to take an intermission time (if they can pause their movie) and do a quick devotion. The Parable of the Popcorn (based on the Parable of the Sower) is attached. You may use it, create your own, or have a parent's choice.
Flyer - Front

Flyer - Back
Download and Add Your Own Details

Intermission Devotional

Fun Printable Tickets
Print one for each member of the Family and place in their drop-off packets!

Snack Tickets that can be added to your "drop off" packets. (Optional)
I always pass these out to each child when they arrive and another one at intermission time to regulate how much junk food they are having. Parents may or may not want to use them.

I always make several unique popcorns for our "Friday Night at the Movies" events. Each popcorn is based on the movie. Below are a few of my fun creations!
POPCORN is so FUN!!!

Sweater, Coat and Hoodie Drive

It's a "BEAUTIFUL DAY" to start a Mr. Rogers Neighborhood Sweater (and coat) drive for children in need this winter.
Get your entire church involved.
Request good, clean items with no holes or stains...buttons and zippers intact.
If there is a cleaner in your community, speak with them about cleaning the coats for you.
If you cannot find a cleaner, ask for volunteers to take home a few coats, wash them, and return them to the church.
Partner with local schools, children's shelters, or foster care organizations to distribute the coats.
Take it one step further by collecting NEW hats, gloves, or scarves!
Perfect Bible Lesson...Dorcas (Tabitha). Tabitha was a charitable person who made things, especially clothing, for the needy in Joppa.

Remember the Homeless in your community!
A great teaching moment on loving and caring for each other.
Fill your leftover plastic pumpkin buckets with hygiene items, a warm pair of socks, and a tract for the homeless in your community.
You can hit the streets with your buckets, drop them off at homeless shelters or leave them with an organization that ministers to the homeless.
As a Thanksgiving alternative, the buckets can be filled with a turkey sandwich, a piece of pumpkin pie a warm pair of socks, and a tract. Hit the streets to spread hope this Thanksgiving!

Now that Christmas is over, are you wondering what to do with all of those old Christmas cards? Save them for a Christmas in July mission project with the children. Each Sunday (July), hand out a donated Christmas card to each of your children. The children are to take the card home, place it in an area where they are sure to see it and pray for the person (and their family) whose signature is on the card. Set up a box, bin, tub, whatever you choose and ask your church members to bring their cards and drop them into the bin. Start collecting now! Make sure to ask for the entire card...some will tear off the front and drop them into the box. If this happens, pass them out anyways. The children can pray for the unknown person who sent the card...God knows who they are!

Mr. Rogers Random Acts of Kindness Day or 143 Day May 23rd
Fred Rogers, the star of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood had a special code to let the people in his neighborhood know that he loved them. He would say to his friends, "1-4-3," which stood for the number of letters in the words "I love you."
Celebrate "Random Acts of Kindness Day" on May 23rd (the 143rd day of the year) by hosting a "Random Act of Kindness" day in honor of Mr. Rogers.

Mission Project

National Pasta Day is in October. It's the perfect time for an Oodles of Noodles Mission Event
An Oodles of Noodles mission event is super easy to do.
Create a fun collection box, tote, barrel or even an old shopping cart.
Announce your event...it could easily be a month-long event.
Collect Oodles of Noodles...any kind at all! Bowtie, Spaghetti, Ramen, Lasagna, Egg Noodles, Elbow Macaroni, etc.
You may choose to collect sauce as well. (Note: The Oodles of Noodles event that I held was to help the children earn love bucks for our annual Christmas to Remember program. They brought different food items throughout the Summer and Fall so I held off on collecting anything packaged in glass.)
Teach the children about hunger in your community. There are several wonderful lessons from the Bible that you can teach each week to make the children aware of those who are food insecure.
Dorcus the giver
God's instruction for harvesting..."When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the LORD your God." Leviticus 23:22 (I love to draw this out on the whiteboard and explain it to the children (visual)
"If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother." Deuteronomy 15:7 etc.
Load everything up (including the kids) and head out to fill little free pantries in your community, church pantry, food bank, etc.
Things to Consider
If you are going to donate to a a food bank, make arrangement for sometone at the location to speak to the children about food insecurity.
If you are going to fill little free pantries, contact one of the people who manage the pantry and ask them to come speak to the children.

Mission - Little Free Pantry
Welcome to the Big Game!
Soup-er Bowl Sunday - Boys VS Girls - David VS Goliath (Lesson)
The Soup-er Bowl Sunday event is a competition between the boys and girls.
Each team competes to see who can bring the most cans of soup for the little free pantries in our community (church pantry, etc)
Collection Containers
I painted two 55 gallon drums (barrels) to look like soup cans...one for the girls and one for the boys. You can create any collection type containers that you choose. (Old picture below...I could not find a picture of my painted barrels...they look much nicer than the paper-covered barrels that I started with)
Bulletin Board
I purchased a green table cloth (Wal-Mart) that looked like a football field to make a bulletin board out of (not necessary but fun). I set the barrels under the bulletin board so that everyone knew where to drop their cans of soup. (Picture below)
On the big day, teams were allowed to dress in their favorite team gear, wear face paint, etc.
I took pictures of each child as they arrived (in front of the bulletin board). I brought several props to add some fun to our picture taking the time.
Collections: Time Limit
Children were given approx. 2-3 weeks to collect their soup and adults were encouraged to bring extra cans to help their favorite team win. You may choose whatever length of time you wish.
Winning Team/Prizes
At the end of the competition, I gave out little prizes to the winning team. Small foam footballs or pom-pom's (Oriental trading)
Our lesson for the day was David vs Goliath.
Table Decorations and Food
I decorated the tables with the same green table cloths that I mentioned above (or plain green plastic) and we enjoyed chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwiches and chocolate milk.
You may serve whatever you choose...or nothing at all.
January/February is normally cold here in Arkansas so the warm soup is perfect!
I asked several of our youth to help prepare and serve the soup and sandwiches.
Paper Football Game
I also taught the children how to make paper footballs (picture below) and we
played the "Paper football" game until the parent's arrived.
The soup was distributed between all the "Little Free Pantries" in our community.
Sample Pics

Flyer Sample

Click below to download a FREE template.
Download and add your own info. to create
a custom flyer!
Click below to download a FREE template.
Download and add your own info. to create
a custom flyer!

Draw a Germ
Chore Chart
Newsletter and Scripture Chart
Word Search
Scripture Cookies (Family or Kid Time)
Tic-Tac Toe
Board Game
Germ (Lava) Jar
Germ Scavenger Hunt in a Bottle
Stomp a Germ - Hop Scotch
Create a Germ Buddy

Germ Busters
Families stuck at home with nothing to do?
Looking for creative ways to engage your children while waiting out the Coronavirus?
Need something that will engage parents AND keep the children entertained?
Try some of the Germ Buster activities below.
What if we shared Christ...with just one person...and then they shared Christ with one more person...and so on. Would the good news of Christ travel as quickly as the Coronavirus has?
Use outbreak maps to show how fast the virus has spread in such a short period of time.
Share with your children how the virus began with just one person and how quickly it spread...how fast it traveled around the world.
Explain that when we share the good news of Jesus...with just one person...and then they share the news one more person...etc. etc. the Word of God can travel around the world just as quickly as the virus...but with a much better outcome.
Dice Game


Download the templates above.
You will need one "Germ" pic per person and one or two
"Dice" pics (pic can be shared).
You will need 1 die (or one per person if you are being cautious of germs) and one pencil per person.
Players take turns rolling the die and drawing the appropriate monster parts onto their monsters.
If a player rolls the same number twice, they can draw more than one of each item on...after all, they are germs...what's wrong with two noses?
The first person to complete their germs wins!
Do not practice "Social Distancing" with God...It is time to draw near!
Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts,
you double-minded. James 4:8

Download the above template, add your Bible scripture reference(s), memory verse(s) and "Germ Buster" activity for the week. (Or post the chore chart on Facebook and allow each parent to download the chart.). Parent's will add their own "Germ Buster" chores.
At the end of the week, the child will return their completed chart or take a quick pic and send to you.
Download and Customize Your Own Newsletter or Bible Scripture Page

Slime Activity
Create Oooey, Gooey, Germ Slime!
Once the children are finished playing with their slime, they can scrub,
scrub, scrub to get their hands clean!

Word Search
Busy Game Time or Fun Family Competition
Who can find all the Words first?

Want to create your own FREE word search puzzles?
Log onto https://thewordsearch.com/maker/
Scripture Cookies
Grab your Bible, Fill in the Blanks, Mix, Bake and Eat!
This activity is perfect for "Family Time" or a "Busy Kid" activity

Family Game Time

Download and Print Game Board and Game Pieces
Trim and tape the two pieces together
Grab 1 Die, your mom, dad or a sibling and get ready for some Germ Competition!

Hours and hours of germ blob fun!


Hop Scotch
Indoors or Outdoors

Looking for a fun way to keep in touch with your kids?
Looking for some cute clip art for your take-home bag materials?
Looking for something to post on your Facebook page?
Download a Bitmoji App (FREE)
Just download APP, Design the Bitmoji to resemble yourself, start texting, emailing, etc. instantly.
Want to use it on your take-home materials? Just download it to your computer (or email/text it to yourself). Quick, FREE, Easy!


Germ Busters
(Serving the Church)
We Ain't Fraid Of No Germs!
Want a quick and easy service project for your children?
Try a "Germ Busters" event!
Each year...when the germs are at their height, we spend the morning "busting germs" in our Worship Center.
We clean every single seat in the Worship Center...and it SMELLS AMAZING when everyone comes in for Worship time.
A few containers of Disinfectant wipes (scented if possible) ana few small trash bags (Wal-Mart bags work great) and your team is ready to tackle even the nastiest of germs.
We "bust germs" during our Sunday School (approx 30 minutes) hour.
We bust germs for 30 minutes and then have a shorter class time (30 minutes).
I lead the children to the Worship center and explain what the project is.
We wipe down the armrests and the backs of the seats (the area where you place your hands
while standing to sing.)
Each child is assigned an entire row of seats. They clean the armrests and backs....changing our wipes for each seat.
Leaders stand in the isles and collect used wipes (trash bags).
I received a large donation of wipes so each child had their own container. If you do not have wipes for each child then have leaders stand in the isles and collect used wipes as well as pass out new ones.
As part of the project, you could consider asking each child to bring a container of wipes or ask the congregation for donations.
One year, I found little germ clings at Target and stuck them around on the seats...if a child found a cling, they removed it, wiped under it and kept the germ clings. I did not put these on the arms or the backs where most germs would be...but rather under the seats.

Helping Paws
Mission event for our 4 legged friends
Create delicious...nutritious dog biscuits for local animal shelters or service dog organizations.
Teach the children to care for not only their 2 legged friends but their 4 legged friends as well.
All ingredients are nutritious and healthy for pets.
When we invited several service dogs to our church, we created a bag of treats for each puppy. As they entered the church, they started sniffing immediately. They located their treats in just a matter of seconds.
Pumpkin Dog Biscuits Recipe
2 eggs
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
2 tablespoons dry milk
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
2 1/2 cups brown rice flour *
1 teaspoon dried parsley (optional)
Preheat oven to 350.
In a large bowl, whisk together eggs and pumpkin to smooth. Stir in dry milk, sea salt, and dried parsley (if using, optional). Add brown rice flour gradually, combining with spatula or hands to form a stiff, dry dough. Turn out onto lightly floured surface (can use the brown rice flour) and if the dough is still rough, briefly knead and press to combine.
Roll dough between 1/4 – 1/2″ – depending on your dog’s chew preferences, ask first – and use a biscuit or another shape cutter to punch shapes, gathering and re-rolling scraps as you go. Place shapes on the cookie sheet, no greasing or paper necessary. If desired, press fork pattern on biscuits before baking, a quick up-and-down movement with fork, lightly pressing down halfway through dough. Bake 20 minutes. Remove from oven and carefully turn biscuits over, then bake an additional 20 minutes. Allow cooling completely on a rack before feeding to the dog.
* Brown rice flour gives the biscuits crunch and promotes better dog digestion. Many dogs have touchy stomachs or allergies, and do not, like many people I know, tolerate wheat.
Makes up to 75 small (1″) biscuits or 50 medium biscuits
Please note: This is not professional medical advice. These biscuits are a healthy everyday treat, and useful for a dog with a sensitive stomach, or minor digestion issues. If your dog is showing any signs of serious distress, remove all food and contact your veterinarian immediately.
Sample Pics

The Never Forget Project
Veterans and Active Military
Needing a mission project for Veterans Day, Memorial Day, National Military Appreciation Month, etc?
Host a "Never Forget Project" for your children as well as every member of your church.
It's easy
1. Purchase several packages of plastic army men
2. Purchase cans of Red, White and Blue Spray Paint (OPTIONAL) You do not have to paint your army men if you choose not to.
3. Divide your army men into three groups (OPTIONAL)
4. Paint one group red, one group white and one group blue. Let dry completely, turn over and paint the backs. Let dry! (OPTIONAL)
5. During the "time of remembrance at your church, allow the children to pass out one army man to each person.
6. Instruct members to place their army men in an area where they will notice them often. Each time they see their army men, they are to pray for our veterans, their families and our active military members.
Alternative: Place the army men in a basket with a sign attached (download sample below).
Place the basket in an area where members will notice and pick up an army man on their way out of the worship center.

Eyeglass Mission
Lions Club Project
Recycle Old Eyeglasses (even broken ones)
Partner with the Lions Club to give new life to your old prescription glasses.
Give the gift of sight to millions living in low and middle-income countries who lack access to basic eye care services.
Simply set up a collection drive in your children's center and collect old, used, unwanted...and even broken glasses.
Drop them off at your local Lion's Club to give the gift of sight to those in need.
The lions club will clean, repair and deliver your glasses to men. women and children around the world. Bringing sight to those who have no access to the things we take for granted.

Socktober - Crazy Sock Day
Socks for the Homeless

Celebrate October with a Crazy Sock Day
Mix and Match, Stripes and Checks, Different Colors, Neon...anything goes.
For even more fun, have the children create their own "Crazy Socks" and top it off with a "Crazy Sock" competition.
A Socktober event is the PERFECT time to remember the homeless.
A nice warm pair of socks is the #1 item requested by homeless.
Ask the children to wear a pair and bring a pair for those in need!

Pop-Tarts and Pajama's
Food Pantry Mission Event
Make any day special by hosting a Pop-Tarts and Pajama's Event.
Children will arrive in their pajamas and enjoy pop-tarts and milk.
Encourage each child, family or church members to bring a box (or two) of pop-tarts for the church food pantry
to help those in need.
Consider hosting your event on Daylight Saving Day so that kids can simply roll out of bed and be at church on time.
See the Pop-Tarts and Pajama's event under the "events" tab for more ideas.

That's the sound of Red Kettle Bell Ringers!
This mission event is one of my absolute favorites. If you do only one mission event this year...make sure that this is the one.
We sign up for an entire day of bell ringing however, I schedule 2-4 children per each one-hour time slot.
1 hour is plenty of time for the younger children. You could stretch the time slot to 2 hours for the older children.
The children LOVE this event.
Hint: Take thermoses of hot chocolate for the kiddo's...it can get chilly in our area.


Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?
(Family Fun Day - Community Outreach)
Family Fun Day
Open to Everyone
Facebook Competition

A "Do you Wanna Build a Snowman" event is an easy and fun way to encourage family time.
1. Create a flyer (sample at the bottom of this page...download, and edit if you choose)
2. Pass out your flyers to each child
3. Promote your event on the big screen, Facebook, Instagram...however you communicate with your families.
4. Purchase prizes for the winner.
5. Any time that snow is in the forecast, re-post or re-share your information...add some fun comments to keep the kids excited. "Snow in the forecast tonight...will we be making snowmen tomorrow???"
6. When the snow begins...re-post or re-share your information again.
7. First big snow...Family fun time begins! Families create their snowmen...take lots of fun family pics...and submits 1-2 pics to you via text (or whatever method you choose)
8. Winner is chosen
9. Prizes are awarded
10. All pics are posted on Facebook. Don't forget to take the winner's pics with their prizes.
Challenge your entire community...as well as surrounding communities by hosting a "Do You Wanna Build A Snowman" Community Competition.
Create a flyer
Pass out flyers to your church families.
Post Competition on your Facebook Page.
Do a Facebook blast...which simply means that everyone shares your Facebook post at the same exact time. During announcements would be a great time to have everyone pull out their phones and share...if allowed.
Ask your church members to share your Facebook post with family and friends.
Post your flyer on all community Facebook pages.
Send flyers home with your kids...to pass out to their friends at school.
Purchase prizes... a basket (or two...or three...if you want to pass out first, second and third place prizes) filled with "wintery" items is a great gift idea. Note: I have found that a 5-gallon bucket works great as an alternative to a basket...they come in many colors and cost only $2-3 at Wal-Mart)
And then.....WAIT...WAIT...WAIT...for that first BIG SNOW.
Re-share your flyer any time that snow is in the forecast...as a teaser...leading up to the big competition
When you receive your first big snow of 2020, post details on your Facebook site...Starting time, deadline, where to send pics etc.
Families will create their snowmen, take lots of pics and send (text, e-mail) their two...or three...favorite pics to you. I would encourage families to include their entire family in one of the submitted pics.
If you have a large parking lot or field at your church, invite people (who do not have a yard) to come to the church to build their snowmen.
Once the deadline has expired, post each submission on your Facebook page. You can then choose your favorite or give each snowman a number and invite people to vote for their favorite snowman on Facebook
Award your prizes...post the winners on-line.
Winners will pick up their prize at the church.
Make sure to thank each of your entries and invite them to church on Sunday. (You may want to set up a hot chocolate station and encourage all participants to join you for come some hot chocolate goodness...on Sunday morning).
If there were snowmen built in your parking lot/grass area, invite everyone (all your church family too) to join you for a "viewing" at a specific time (1-2 hour time span) and serve hot chocolate as well.
If you come up with some new ideas that will make this event even better...please share them with me @ 479-619-9932 or arleneclark@sbcglobal.net
Please share some pics from your event...I would love to see all of the creative "snowmen".
This event can be tailor-made to fit your church and your community.
Be creative and have fun!

Download Flyer
Editable Flyer

Family Fun Day
Sledding Competition

A Family Sledding competition is an easy and fun way to encourage family time.
1. Create a flyer (sample at the bottom of this page...download, and edit if you choose)
2. Pass out your flyers to each child
3. Promote your event on the big screen, Facebook, Instagram...however you communicate with your families.
4. Purchase prizes for the winner.
5. Any time that snow is in the forecast, re-post or re-share your information...add some fun comments to keep the kids excited. "Snow in the forecast tonight...will we be sledding tomorrow???"
6. When the snow begins...re-post or re-share your information again.
7. First big snow...Family fun time begins! Families grab their sleds...take lots of fun family pics...and submits 1-2 pics to you via text (or whatever method you choose)
8. Winner is chosen
9. Prizes are awarded
10. All pics are posted on Facebook. Don't forget to take the winner's pics with their prizes.
Challenge your entire community...as well as surrounding communities to a "Sledding" Competition.
Pass out flyers to your church families.
Post Competition on your Facebook Page.
Do a Facebook blast...which simply means that everyone shares your Facebook post at the same exact time. During announcements would be a great time to have everyone pull out their phones and share...if allowed.
Ask your church members to share your Facebook post with family and friends.
Post your flyer on all community Facebook pages.
Purchase prizes... a basket (or two...or three...if you want to pass out first, second and third place prizes) filled with "wintery" items is a great gift idea. Note: I have found that a 5-gallon bucket works great as an alternative to a basket...they come in many colors and cost only $2-3 at Wal-Mart)
Re-share your flyer any time that snow is in the forecast...as a teaser...leading up to the big sledding competition.
When you receive enough snow to sled, post details on your Facebook site...Start time, deadline, how to submit pics, etc.
If you have a great sledding area at your church, invite families from your community (who do not have a place to sled) to join you at the church. (Set specific times)
Set up a hot chocolate bar inside the church (gym area, or area when snow is not a problem) and invite sledders in to warm up and enjoy some hot chocolate.
Once the deadline has expired, post each submission on your Facebook page, select a winner or give each sledding team a number, invite people to vote for their favorite sledding pics.
Award your prizes...post the winners on-line.
Winners will pick up their prize at the church.
Make sure to thank each of your entries and invite them to church on Sunday. (You may want to set up a hot chocolate station and encourage all participants to join you for some hot chocolate goodness...Sunday morning).
Consider creating a short photo video or a slide show of the sledding activities to share before worship.
If you come up with some new ideas that will make this event even better...please share them with me @ 479-619-9932 or arleneclark@sbcglobal.net
Please share some pics from your event...I would love to see all of the fun sledding family time.
This event can be tailor-made to fit your church and your community.
Be creative and have fun!

April Showers - Splash Day Competition
(Family Fun Day - Community Outreach)

An April Showers - Splash Day Competition is an easy and fun way to encourage family time.
1. Create a flyer (sample at the bottom of this page...download, and edit if you choose)
2. Pass out your flyers to each child
3. Promote your event on the big screen, Facebook, Instagram...however you communicate with your families.
4. Purchase prizes for the winner.
5. Any time that rain is in the forecast, re-post or re-share your information...add some fun comments to keep the kids excited. "Rain in the forecast tonight...will we be splashing tomorrow???"
6. When the rain begins...re-post or re-share your information again.
7. Rain begins...Family fun time begins! Families grab their rain boots...take lots of fun family splash pics...and submits 1-2 pics to you via text (or whatever method you choose)
8. Winner is chosen
9. Prizes are awarded
10. All pics are posted on Facebook. Don't forget to take the winner's pics with their prizes.
Challenge your entire community...as well as surrounding communities to an "April Showers" Splash Competition.
Pass out flyers to your church families.
Post Competition on your Facebook Page.
Do a Facebook blast...which simply means that everyone shares your Facebook post at the same exact time. During announcements would be a great time to have everyone pull out their phones and share...if allowed.
Ask your church members to share your Facebook post with family and friends.
Post your flyer on all community Facebook pages.
Purchase prizes... a basket (or two...or even three...if you want to pass out first, second and third place prizes) filled with "rainy day" items is a great gift idea. Note: I have found that a 5-gallon bucket works great as an alternative to a basket...they come in many colors and cost only $2-3 at Wal-Mart)
Re-share your flyer any time that rain is in the forecast...to remind people of the splash competition.
Post information on starting time, deadline, photo submission info, etc on Facebook
Once the submission deadline has expired (April 30th), select a winner or post each submission on your Facebook page, give each entry a number, invite people to vote on their favorite splash pics.
Post the winner's names on-line.
Winners will pick up their prize at the church. Make sure to take their pics with their prizes and post on-line.
Make sure to thank each of your entries and invite them to church on Sunday.
Consider creating a short photo video or a slide show of the splash pics to share before worship.
If you come up with some new ideas that will make this event even better...please share them with me @ 479-619-9932 or arleneclark@sbcglobal.net
Please share some pics from your event...I would love to see all of the fun sledding family time.
This event can be tailor-made to fit your church and your community.
Be creative and have fun!


Facebook competitions are a fun and easy way to connect with families in your community.
Challenge your church families, neighborhood or the entire community and beyond.
Competitions are easy to create, easy to host and easy to manage.
You may have to host one or two before you get people in the habit of checking your Facebook page on a regular basis.
Hosting competitions will draw people to your Facebook page where they will learn more about your church...and hopefully, make a connection. However, the main purpose is to draw families closer together...including your own church families. Families will work together as a team to complete the competitions.
You can host any type of competition that you wish. You are only limited by your imagination. Start by checking your calendar for various seasons or holidays. You will come up with lots of great ideas by looking at each month.
Basis Competition Information
Create a flyer or Facebook slide
Post your competition flyer or Facebook slide on your Facebook page. Make sure to add all details to your post...such as start and ending date. etc.
Adding "OPEN TO THE PUBLIC" AND "DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO WIN" are important things to add to your post.
Do a Facebook flash...which simply means that everyone opens their phones and shares your post at the same exact time. You can do this during announcement time if you are allowed to do so. Just ask everyone to get out their phones and lead them through it.
Ask all members to share your post with family and friends
Send a flyer home with each child
Have flyers at the information desk for families to take and share.
Post your flyer on all FREE community Facebook pages.
Purchase prizes... these can be as simple or as elaborate as your budget will allow. A basket (or two...or even three...if you want to pass out first, second and third place prizes) filled with "seasonal items" is a great gift idea. Note: I have found that a 5 gallon bucket works great as an alternative to a basket...they come in many colors and cost only $2-3 at Wal-Mart)
Families will compete in the competition, take pics of their adventure and share 2-3 with you via text.
All pics will go on Facebook and a winner will be announced.
Post the winner's names on-line.
Winners will pick up their prize at the church. Make sure to take their pics with their prizes and post on-line.
Make sure to thank each of your entries and invite them to church on Sunday.
Make sure to remind them to watch for more competitions coming soon.

Post all event details in the text portion of your Facebook post.
Create your own (3) Catagories. Do not base all the categories on the size of the bubbles...some will not have big bubble blowers. List your own prizes

Facebook Competitions
(Family Fun Day - Community Outreach)

Gingerbread Houses and Gingerbread Cookie Outreach Competition

A Family Gingerbread House or Gingerbread Cookie competition is an easy and fun way to encourage family time.
1. Create a flyer (sample at the bottom of this page...download, and edit if you choose)
2. Pass out flyers to each child...pass them out again when the event date nears.
3. Promote your event on the big screen, Facebook, Instagram...however you communicate with your families.
4. Purchase prizes for the winner.
5. Host your gingerbread event anytime between Thanksgiving and Christmas...or any time that works for your church. You may even decide to leave the date open. Promote it as an event that can be done between two specific dates. Such as November _____ to December _________ with a deadline of __________.
6. Each family will bake and decorate their cookies...remembering to take pics of their family during each stage of the cookie baking.
7. Families will submit 2-3 of their favorite pics (via text or e-mail)
8. All pics will be posted on Facebook
9. Winners will be selected from the submitted pics.
12. Prizes are awarded
13. Winners will pick their prize up at the church.
14. Don't forget to take the winner's pics with their prizes.
Note: You may want to purchase gingerbread boy or gingerbread girl cookie cutters and attach the flyer to the cookie cutter. Hand out the cutters along with the flyers to promote the event. If you decide to do a Gingerbread house competition, you may want to pass out small bags of candy (to use on their houses) with the flyer attached.
Facebook competitions are a fun and easy way to connect with families in your community. Challenge your church families, neighborhood or the entire community and beyond.
Competitions are easy to create, easy to host and easy to manage.
You may have to host one or two before you get people in the habit of checking your Facebook page on a regular basis.
Hosting competitions will draw people to your Facebook page where they will learn more about your church...and hopefully, make a connection. However, the main purpose is to draw families closer together...including your own church families. Families will work together as a team to complete the competitions.
You can host any type of competition that you wish. You are only limited by your imagination. Start by checking your calendar for various seasons or holidays. You will come up with lots of great ideas by looking at each month.
Pass out flyers to your church families.
Post Competition on your Facebook Page.
Do a Facebook blast...which simply means that everyone shares your Facebook post at the same exact time. During announcements would be a great time to have everyone pull out their phones and share...if allowed.
Ask church members to share your Facebook post with family and friends.
Post your flyer on all FREE community Facebook pages.
Purchase prizes... a basket (or two...or three...if you want to pass out first, second and third place prizes) filled with "baking items" is a great gift idea. Note: I have found that a 5-gallon bucket works great as an alternative to a basket...they come in many colors and cost only $2-3 at Wal-Mart). You can add lots of filler if the bucket it too large.
Re-share your flyer often leading up to the event date.
The day of the event, post details on your Facebook site...Start time, deadline, how to submit pics, etc.
Once the deadline has expired, post each submission on your Facebook page, select a winner or give each picture a number and invite people to vote for their favorite pics.
Award your prizes...post the winners on-line.
Winners will pick up their prize at the church.
Make sure to thank each of your entries and invite them to church on Sunday.
Consider creating a short photo video or a slide show of the sledding activities to share before worship.
This event can be tailor-made to fit your church and your community.
Be creative and have fun!


Family Fun Day
Happy Birthday Jesus Party
Facebook Community Competition

What better way to celebrate the birth of Christ than to involve your families in the preparation and celebration of His birth.
The most important thing we'll celebrate at Christmas is the birth of Jesus...so why not have some fun family time together?
How it works
1. Purchase 1 box of cake mix per family
2. Purchase 1 tub of icing (frosting) per family
3. Purchase any other items that your budget will allow...sprinkles, candles, party horns, confetti...whatever you choose.
4. Create birthday kits by placing each families cake ingredients inside a brown paper bag (or any container that you wish...colorful bags, boxes, etc.)
5. Attach instructions to each bag
6. Send 1 bag home with each family
7. Families will throw their own birthday party for Jesus...(bake and frost cake, have a celebration party, read the scripture of His birth...etc.)
8. Families will take pics throughout the party...just as they would at anyone's party.
9. Families will text or e-mail 2-3 pictures of their celebration to you. At least one pic has to be a picture of their finished cake.
10. All photos will be placed on Facebook. You can select the winners or allow your Facebook followers to vote.
11. Award prizes...select several different categories on which to judge the pictures.
Challenge your entire community...as well as surrounding communities to a Happy Birthday Jesus Party Competition.
Take the party to the streets. You can easily convert your Happy Birthday Jesus Party into a community-wide event by making a couple of simple changes...Do not purchase birthday cake ingredients. Do not make bags...Do not send anything home or have anyone pick up a kit. (You can still provide them for your church family if you would like)
Instead, create a Facebook flyer or slide inviting everyone to bake a cake for Jesus and send in their entry pictures.
Post your Competition on your Facebook Page.
Post your event...complete with details (starting time, deadline, photo submission info, etc) on Facebook at least two-three weeks before the event is to begin. Build excitement!
Do a Facebook blast...which simply means that everyone shares your Facebook post at the same exact time. During announcements would be a great time to have everyone pull out their phones and share...if allowed.
Ask your church family to share your Facebook post with family and friends.
Post your flyer on all FREE community Facebook pages.
Provide flyers for members to share.
Allow a span of time for families to complete their party. Remember, families, are busy so run your contest over a two week period of time (or more) to allow them time to plan, prepare and host their own parties.
Purchase prizes... a basket (or two...or even three...if you want to pass out first, second and third place prizes) filled with "wintery gift items" is a great gift for this time of year. Note: I have found that a bucket works great as an alternative to a basket...they come in many colors and sizes cost only $2-3 at Wal-Mart) You can add packing peanuts around your items...especially near the bottom to take up a little room.
Re-share your flyer several times during the contest time period.
Once the submission deadline has expired, post all submissions online. You can select a winner yourself or open up online voting. Give each entry a number and invite followers to vote on their favorite birthday party pics.
Post the winner's names on-line.
Winners will pick up their prize at the church. Make sure to take a pic pf them with their prize and post on-line.
Make sure to thank each of your entries and invite them to church on Sunday.
Consider creating a short photo video or a slide show of the birthday pics to share before worship.
If you come up with some new ideas that will make this event even better...please share with me @ 479-619-9932 or arleneclark@sbcglobal.net
Please share some pics from your event...I would love to see all of the fun family celebrations.
This event can be tailor-made to fit your church and your community.
Be creative and have fun!

Bag Tag - Download and add your own information on the back

Birthday In A Bag - Little Free Food Pantries
Give a deserving boy or girl a special birthday cake.
Every child deserves a special cake on their birthday...but many children will never receive one.
That's where Birthday in a bag" comes in.
Create small gift bags filled with everything a family might need to create a special birthday cake for the special birthday girl/boy.
How it works
1. Purchase 1 box of "Jiffy" cake mix per family (no oil required and boxes are small.
2. Purchase 1 tub of icing (frosting) per family
3. Purchase any other items that your budget will allow...sprinkles, candles, party horns, confetti...whatever you choose.
4. Place ingredients into a plain colored bag and write "To a special boy or girl who is having a birthday" on the bag.
5. Drop your "Birthday in a Bag" bags off at "Little Free Pantries" in your community.
6. You can also add a birthday wish, small gift, candy or anything that you wish to your birthday bags.

Easter Invitation Eggs

Looking for a quick and easy way to invite family and friends to church?
What is easier than filling Easter eggs with Easter Sunday invitations and passing them out to family and friends?
Print out the editable Easter invitation below
Edit it to fit your church
Fold and stuff the invitation inside an Easter egg (add a piece of candy if you would like.)
Make plenty of invitation eggs for your children to pass out
Send them home with your children
Make an extra basket (or two...or three) full of egg invitations and make them readily available to anyone who wants to pick up and give to their family or friends.
It's that easy!


You've Been Egged and
Easter Invite

You've been egged is a fun "invite your friends" activity.
Gather 6- 12 plastic eggs (per invite)
Fill 11 of the eggs with a piece of candy, a little trinket, sticker, scripture verses, etc
Leave one egg empty
Put all 12 eggs in an Easter treat bag, paper bag, plastic ziplock...anything you choose
Download bag tag
Print your own church info on the backside of the bag tag
Attach tag to the bag by punching a hole in the corner of the tag, running a ribbon through the hole and tying the tag to the bag
Drop the bags on doorsteps, hang on doorknobs, pass out at school, hand out to neighbors, family, or friends...anyone that you would like to invite to church on Easter Sunday.
It's that easy!
Downloadable "You've Been Egged and "Get Egg-scited" downloads are below.

The backside of the egg.
Add church name, date, time and church address
Don't have the budget for 12 eggs per bag? Try using a smaller number of eggs and create your own tag by using the blank tag download below


Family Fun Day or
Community Outreach Competition
Jack-O-Lantern or Scarecrow Competition
As an alternative, this competition could be added to your list of Fall Festival activities. Families would create their Scarecrows or Jack-O-Lanterns at home and enter them into the Scarecrow or Jack-O-Lantern competitions.

A Jack-o-Lantern or Scarecrow competition is an easy and fun way to encourage family time.
1. Decide on a theme or leave the design up to each family.
2. Create a flyer
3. Pass out flyers to each child
4. Promote your event on the big screen, Facebook, Instagram...however you communicate with your families.
5. Purchase prizes for the winner.
6. Re-post your event often to build excitement.
7. Allow a two-week period to time for families to complete their creations. Perhaps October 14th thru October 28th.
8. Families will create their scarecrows or Jack-o-Lanterns, take lots of fun pics and text or e-mail 2-3 pics to you.
9. All pics will be posted on Facebook...You may select the winners or number each entry and allow your Facebook followers to select the winners.
10. Winners are chosen
11. Prizes are awarded...pick up at the church
12. Winner's pics are taken (with their prizes) and posted on Facebook.
Facebook competitions are a fun and easy way to connect with families in your community.
Challenge your church families, neighborhood, or the entire community and beyond.
Competitions are easy to create, easy to host and easy to manage.
You may have to host one or two before you get people in the habit of checking your Facebook page on a regular basis.
Hosting competitions will draw people to your Facebook page where they will learn more about your church...and hopefully, make a connection. However, the main purpose is to draw families closer...including your own church families. Families will work together as a team to complete the competitions.
Basis Competition Information
For a community outreach event, you may want to choose a few categories or a theme for their creations...otherwise, you may have some entries that you would rather not have.
Create a flyer or Facebook slide
Post your competition flyer or slide on your Facebook page. Make sure to add all details to your posts...such as the start and ending date. etc.
Adding "OPEN TO THE PUBLIC" AND "DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO WIN" are important things to add to your post.
Do a Facebook flash...which simply means that everyone opens their phones and shares your post at the same exact time. You can do this during announcement time if you are allowed to do so. Just ask everyone to get out their phones and lead them through it.
Ask all members to share your post with family and friends
Send a flyer home with each child
Have flyers at the information desk for families to take and share.
Post your flyer on all FREE community Facebook pages.
Purchase prizes... these can be as simple or as elaborate as your budget will allow. A basket (or two...or even three...if you want to pass out first, second and third place prizes) filled with "seasonal items" is a great gift idea. Note: I have found that a 1 or 5-gallon bucket works great as an alternative to a basket...they come in many colors and cost only $2-3 at Wal-Mart)
Families will compete in the competition, take pics of their adventure and share 2-3 with you via text.
All pics will go on Facebook and a winner will be announced.
Post the winner's names online.
Winners will pick up their prize at the church. Make sure to take their pics with their prizes and post online.
Make sure to thank each of your entries and invite them to church on Sunday.
Make sure to remind them to watch for more competitions coming soon.

Socks of Love
(Socks filled with Hygiene Items for those displaced)

socks of love
Host a "Socks of Love" event and collect warm socks stuffed with hygiene items.
Get your entire church involved.
Have the children create cards to attach to each sock.
Just stuff one sock inside of the other, fill it with hygiene items, tie a ribbon around the top and attach the card.
Sample sizes work perfectly for this and local vendors are a great resource for extra hygiene items.
Drop the socks off at women. men's or children's shelters or hand out to the homeless.

Corona Hair - We Don't Care
(Family Fun Night - Samson and Delilah)


Crazy Hair -We Don't Care
It's "crazy hair" day
on steroids!

Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Who needs a hair cut? We Do! We Do!
After being quarantined for several weeks, the newest fashion trend is baseball caps, scarves, pony-tailers, hair clips and lots and lots of gel.
Many of us are in need of a hair-cut...some more than others.
Have fun with the current predicament that we are all in with a
"Corona Hair - We Don't Care" Family Fun Night Competition.
Families will style each other's hair and submit photos (via text, Facebook, etc.) to be judged. (Allow plenty of time for families to submit their pics...families are overwhelmed right now...one week, two weeks, whatever time you choose).
There are no rules here...if families want to use lots of gel, hair spray, temporary dyes, chalk, kool-aid or even shaving cream in their hair (in order to style and shape it) they can.
Encourage families to get CREATIVE!
Give out gift cards to local salons as your prizes...Even if mom and dad prefer a specific salon...kids will need cuts as well.
Support local small businesses when possible.
If you enjoy dropping activities off to your kids, consider hosting a "Grass Head" competition.
Families will create and grow their own "Grass Heads" and compete to see who's hair (grass) will grow the longest...within 7 days...14 days...or even longer.
Award prizes for different categories...consider "hair cut" gift cards for this activity as well.
You will need the following items:
3 tablespoons (per person) of grass seeds
1 - 10" piece of a nylon stocking or one knee-high stocking (per person). Old, clean stockings with runs are perfectly fine! I have been told that socks work as well but I have not tried using one. I would think that a very thin, loose knit sock would work.
1 cup of potting soil (per person)
1 plastic cup
Optional : Wiggly eyes, 3 small rubber bands, black marker
Consider using local small businesses in your area.
There are nurseries that offer curbside pickup.
One small bag of grass seed will be plenty..believe me!
Purchase the cheapest grass...it grows just the same.

Taking care of your "Grass Head"
Once completed, place the grass head in a bowl of water and thoroughly soak it (Only once...to get it started).
Remove the grass head from the bowl and set on top of a solo cup (solo cup will be the base for the grass head to sit on)
Spritz the grass head each day.
Keeping the grass seed moist but not soaked.

Samson and Delilah
Judges 16: 4-30
1. Pray for God to strengthen you during your current circumstances.
2. Samson's faith was in God...to strengthen him. You can also call out to God for strength to do His will.
3. God was faithful to Samson, and He will be faithful to you also.
4. Samson knew where his great strength came from, do you?
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”