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Our God is AWESOME

Writer: arleneclarkarleneclark

Have you ever had one of those days where God shows up and shows off? Last Thursday was one of those days for me...and I want to say that "OUR GOD IS SO AWESOME!"

It is so easy to pray about things we wish God would provide...but when He provides, do we stand in amazement? Do we give Him the praise and the glory that He deserves? Do we even recognize that it is God's hand at work?

I am in the middle of planning for our 17th annual Christmas gift program for under-resourced families in our community... and I need volunteers! I know you can all relate.

I do the same thing every year...I obsess over a need that I KNOW God is going to provide. I have watched Him provide again and again! And still, I obsess!

Things have been progressing extremely well, I have lots of volunteers however, me being me, I want everything to be perfect. This includes filling ALL the volunteer spots NOW for an event that isn't even happening until December 9th. What is wrong with me? Why do I ever doubt God?

Now here's the good part...the part where God reminds me to have faith!

Last Thursday, God spoke to the hearts of strangers (people who I don't even know), and 27 additional volunteer spots were filled within 3-4 hours. I am so amazed!

I don't even have the words to adequately express how incredible our God is! I know that if I am faithful with the small things...GOD is always faithful in the BIG.

I have put in the work...I have been faithful with the small things and now, I have to leave the large things in His hands...knowing that He WILL provide! And He ALWAYS does!

When God shows up...SPEAK UP! Share the wonderful things that God is doing. When you work in ministry, you see God working all the time...take time to share what God is doing! (Talking to myself today)

Have a blessed day!

Praying for you this morning!




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