Water Olympics
There's Water, Water, Everywhere!
There's a Hole in my Bucket
Sponge Rally
Wet Head
Jump the Rope
Bucket Brigade
Beach Towel Toss
Water Toss
Water Balloon Squash
The Human Table
Frosty Toes
Wet T-Shirt Relay
Water Balloon Battle
Chip a Way - Ice Block

Get ready for a WET and WILD Evening!
With Water Olympics!
Hint: Download and print out all games onto heavy card stock and laminate.
You will use these games year after year
Sample Pics

Game #1
There’s a hole in my bucket
2 identical pitchers with holes drilled in the sides
2 identical clear plastic totes – with a "fill line" marked on the side. I use blue painter's tape to mark the fill line
2 folding chairs
2 kiddy pools filled with water
2 water hoses – hooked up and ready to spray kids as they run past
Place two folding chairs side by side (10' apart) on one end of the playing area.
Place the two kiddy pools on the opposite end of the playing area. (10' apart) You choose the playing field distance...50' is a good distance.
Divide the kids into two teams and have them stand in two lines (one behind the other). Each line will start on the outer side of the two chairs.
Select one person from each team to sit in the two chairs. (Make sure to select someone who does not mind water being poured over their head...you will see why later)
Place one plastic tote in each of their laps. (the sitting team members)
Hand a pitcher (with holes) to the first person in each line (each team).
The object of the game is to be the first team to fill their plastic tote (to the fill line)
On "GO" the first person will run to the pool, dip the leaky pitcher into the pool and then place the leaky pitcher on top of their head.
They must run to the plastic tote, lean over and pour the water into the tote (without taking it off of their head)
They will then hand the pitcher to the next person in line.
The first team to fill their tote wins.
The winning team will pick up their tote full of water and pour it onto the "chair" person's head.
Then the other team gets to pick up their tote and pour it over their "chair" person's head.
A new "chair" person is selected and the game continues until the kids get tired of playing.
Sponge Rally
2 kiddy pools filled with water
Large Sponges (6-8 per team)
2 Identical Clear Totes with a fill line marked with masking tape
Colored Masking Tape
2 water hoses – hooked up and ready to spray kids as they run past
Pair off into teams
Mark off a 50' playing field with the two kiddy pools at one end (side by side) and the two plastic totes at the other end (side by side)
Line teams up starting at the pool and spanning the distance from the pool to the clear tote at the opposite end.
The first person will dip the sponge into the pool, toss it to the next person who tosses it to the next person, etc.
Once the first sponge gets halfway down the line, the first person dips a second sponge and tosses it also, then a third and fourth, etc.
When the sponges get to the end of the line; the last person squeezes out the water into the clear container.
When the water reaches the fill line, that team wins and the last person pours the container of water over his own head.
Game # 3
2 plastic water bottles
2 small paper cups (Small paper bathroom drink cups)
2 pairs of goggles
2 water hoses – hooked up and ready to spray kids as they run past
Pair off into teams (2)
One person from each team is selected lays on the ground (with goggles on) and holds a plastic bottle on their forehead.
The first person on each team runs to the pool with their small paper cup, dips the cup into the water, and runs back to the person lying on the ground.
They pour their cup of water into the bottle and hand off the cup to the next person in line.
Play continues until one bottle is filled and a winner is announced.
The person who was lying on the ground can now pour the bottle of water over their own head.
The game continues with a second-round etc. until kids are tired of the game or until everyone has rotated through.
Game # 4
Long jump rope
Solo Cup
For this game, children will fill a solo cup with water and take turns jumping rope. They must jump a total of 10 times each.
The child with the most water left in their cup wins.
Game # 5
Jump the Rope
Supplies: Plastic cups filled with water, a large jump rope
Everyone stands in a circle holding a cup of water.
One person stands in the center and spins the rope in a circle.
As the rope spins around, each child will jump over the rope…trying to save as much water as possible.
The person with the most water at the end of the game wins.
The person(s) hit by the rope is out.
Game # 6
Bucket Brigade
You will use many of the same supplies that you used for game
# 1 above
2 pitchers with holes drilled into the sides
2 kiddy pools filled with water
2 Identical clear totes with a fill line marked.
Colored Masking Tape - To mark the line on totes
A water hose – hooked up and ready to spray kids as they run past...optional... but adds lots of fun!
Pair off into teams
Place the two pools side by side (10' apart) and fill them with water.
On the opposite end of the playing field, set the two plastic totes (10' apart)
Line teams up...starting at the pool and spanning the distance from the pool to the clear tote at the opposite end.
The first person dips the pitcher into the pool and fills it with water, they then hand it to the next person who hands it to the third, etc., etc.
Once the pitcher reaches the end of the line; the last person pours the pitcher of water into the clear container.
They have to pass it fast before all of the water leaks out!
The first team to fill their tote to the fill line wins.
Don't waste the water...let the children pick up the tote and pour it over someone's head!
Beach Towel Toss
Water Balloons
Large Towels
A water hose – hooked up and ready to spray kids as they run past (optional...adds fun)
Divide up into teams of 8
Form two lines. Line up 4 members of one team across from the other 4 members of the same team.
Give each group a towel and instruct each member of the group to hold a corner of the towel.
One group will be given a water balloon and instructed to place the balloon in the center of the towel.
The water balloon is tossed from one group to another…back and forth…using the towel only…no touching the balloon.
The last team standing wins.
Game # 8
Water Toss
Zip-lock baggies half full of water
2 water hoses – hooked up and ready to spray kids as they run past
Each person selects a partner. Two lines are formed with partners standing across from each other.
Toss the baggie back and forth. If a baggie is dropped, pick it up and continue.
A team is not out until the baggie actually breaks!
Game # 9
Water Balloon Squash
2 folding chairs
Water Balloons – 1 per child
1-2 water hoses – hooked up and ready to spray kids as they run past
Pair off into teams
First-person on each team takes a water balloon, races to the folding chair, sit on the balloon, and pops it.
Once they pop their balloon, they race back to the starting line pick up another balloon, hand it to the next person in line and they repeat.
Game # 10
Human table
1 solo cup per child
Water hose or buckets/kiddy pool filled with water
A watch or a stopwatch…anything to keep track of time
Divide into teams
One person from the team gets down on their hands and knees and forms a table.
Team members will fill their cups with water and place them on their teammate's backs.
The object is to see how many cups of water they can balance on their teammate's backs at one time.
Set a time limit.
When the time expires, the team with the most cups of water wins.
Switch around and play again until the children tire of the game.
Game # 11
Frosty Toes - Ice Cube Game
A kiddy pool filled with water
Ice Cubes
Several Folding Chairs
Cooler for the ice cubes
Fill the kiddy pool with water
Pour ice cubes into a pool.
Children will sit in the folding chairs with their feet in the pool.
Children will attempt to pick up the ice cubes with their feet.
1-minute rounds.
The child or team with the most ice cubes wins.
Note: You can freeze some colored ice cubes by putting food coloring into the trays. Different colors could represent different point values.
Game # 12
Wet T-Shirt Relay
2 - X-L T-Shirts- 1 per team (if you choose to have more than 2 teams, you will need extra T-shirts.
Buckets or kiddy pool filled with water
Orange Cones – 1 per team
Divide into teams (Relay).
Children will dunk a t-shirt into the water, put it on, run to the cone, circle it, run back to the water, remove the shirt, and toss it back into the water.
The next child repeats the actions.
The game continues until one team completes the tasks. This team is the winner.
GAME #13
Water Balloon Battle
Water Balloons – 20 per child (or more)
20 plastic bags (Wal-Mart bags)
2 water hoses – hooked up and ready to spray kids as they run past (Optional...but adds lots of wet fun!)
Give each person a plastic bag filled with water balloons.
Toss balloons at each other. Enjoy a water balloon fight.
After the water balloon fight, have each child take their bag and pick up the busted water balloons…It only takes a couple of minutes and saves you a lot of clean-up time.
GAME #14
Chip Away
NOTE: In order to make a giant block of ice, you will need to start approx. 2 weeks in advance. Block will be frozen in stages so that there will be prizes throughout the block of ice.
Large Tub or tote
Freezer space
Time: Approx. 2 weeks (to freeze ice)
Plastic frogs (or any plastic prizes that you would like to freeze inside of your block of ice)
Squirt guns (To use to help melt the ice away and win a prize)
Plastic knives (To chip ice away)
To create your giant block of ice, you will need a large tub or tote…make sure that the container that you use is larger on the top than on the bottom or you will not be able to remove your block of ice from the container.
Start by adding 3-4” of water to your tub.
Add a few plastic frogs
Freeze for 2 days.
After you have waited 2 days, add an additional 3-4” of water and a few more frogs.
Freeze for 2 more days.
Continue until your tub is full!
You set your own rules….kids can chip ice away with plastic knives or use the squirt guns to melt the ice away.
Make sure to set the ice block in a sunny spot so that the sun will help with the ice melting too.
If you choose, you can bring the water hose around and give it a few squirts to help melt the ice as well.
Other Ideas:
Purchase a large piece of Visqueen plastic and create your own slip-and-slide activity...kids love it!
Check out my Paint slip and slide post for instructions on how to create your own slide.