Shave Cream Wars

Shave Cream Wars
Get ready for a Wild and Crazy Evening!
Shave Cream Wars, Whipped Cream eating contest, Confetti, Silly String, Slime and any other messy activity that you can imagine.
There is really no end to the fun you can have...and no set way to host a Shave Cream Wars Night.
One thing is always a must...shave cream! And LOTS of it!
For a "Shave Cream Wars" event, you will need a "whistle" to round up the crew between activities. After that, explain the rules, explain the activity, blow your whistle and step back!
Just have plenty of messy games planned and your event will be a HUGE success!
#1 Discouragement - Don't think that you have to include ALL of your ideas, activities, etc in one event in order for the night to be considered a success. Plan your favorites first and go from there. If you don't get all of the activities in...then that means that the kids were having a GREAT time and that the event was successful.
As long as the kids are having fun and the fun never is a success.
If there is an activity that the children enjoy more than the others, go back to it a second time later in the evening. No set rules! No pressures! It's Summertime...and these are kids just wanting to be kids! Enjoy!

Must Have
It's summertime...which means that it is time for one of the messiest events of the year.
Your kids will absolutely LOVE this event! I guarantee it!
Goggles are a "must-have" for a messy fun night. Most children do fine without them however, it is better to be safe than sorry! The Dollar store is a great place to find goggles. They are in the hardware department and cost $1.00 each.
Swim goggles are an excellent choice as well. You may ask kids to bring a pair of goggles but don't rely on them to do so. Watch after summer sales and stock up on swim goggles or masks.
Paper Towels
Grab a couple of rolls of paper towels. At the start of each event, give each child a couple of towels to tuck inside their waistband. This prevents children from coming to you to have their faces wipes 1000 times.
A whistle is a must for an event such as this. Children will be having so much fun that they will not hear you calling them.
Take TONS of pics and short video clips. If you have a zoom lens...that is even better.
Large trash cans with liners
Save yourself a lot of time and frustration by taking along 1-2 large trash cans with liners.
Before We Begin
Shaving Cream
Shaving cream will not damage the lawn. Once the event is over, the shaving cream will disappear overnight. You will not be able to tell there was even a party the evening before.
I normally pick up 2 cans per child...or I provide one and ask them to bring one. Shaving Cream goes a long way. I always make the children remove the cap and toss the cap in the trash before we begin. In order to get their second can of shaving cream, they must return their empty can and toss in the trash. I normally remove the caps on the second cans before they run out of the first one.
Purchase several extra cans for additional games
At the end of each game, have the children bring their trash and put it in the trash can. Make sure you watch each child bring their cans and toss them. This will save you a TON of time plus cans will not be left for the mower to hit...OUCH!
Games do not continue until all trash (that you can see) is picked up!
I purchase the cheapest shaving cream that I can find. Walmart is normally the cheapest...once you consider the size. They carry regular and sensitive skin types (same brand...same price). I normally purchase the sensitive skin type...but not an absolute necessity. You will want to start purchasing the shaving cream a couple of weeks in advance because they normally do not carry a large number of cans.
Below are a few ideas that you may want to incorporate into your evening. Some thought will have to be put into each game to make sure they fit the social distancing suggestions for your area.
Shave Cream Wars
2 Cans of shave Cream Per Child (See specifications above)
2 Paper towels per child
1 Pair of goggles, safety glasses, or swim mask
Have the children put on a pair of goggles and stick 2 paper towels in their waistbands (for wiping eyes, nose, ears, mouth, etc). Have extra towels on hand.
Explain your rules, boundaries, etc.
Explain that no one starts until the whistle blows.
Explain that they have to bring back their empty can and toss in the trash to receive their second can.
Have each child grab a can of shaving cream, remove the lid and toss in the trash (lid)
Blow the whistle and let them go at it!
Shave Cream Hair Out
For social distancing, you may have each child style their own hair.
2-3 Cans of shaving cream (Depends on the number of children you have)
Form teams (2-man teams)
Teach team will decide which one will be the hairstylist and which one will have their hair styled.
The person who is having their hair styled will sit on the ground. The stylist will stand behind them.
Start on one end (or both ends) and pass a can of shaving cream down the line. Each stylist will squirt a TON of shaving cream on their teammate's heads.
When the whistle blows, they begin styling.
When the whistle blows again everyone stops. There is really no time limit...if they are having fun then let them continue. As they finish, keep them busy by taking several pics of each one. When several have finished, blow the whistle, take pics of the remaining ones, and switch places.
Now, the stylist becomes the one having their hair styled.
Shave Cream Shaving
(For social distancing, you may give each child a balloon that they hold and shave themselves)
2 Ballons Per Team (Blow up in advance and have in large trash bags...blow up extras)
1 Plastic Knife Per Team
Form teams (2-man teams)
Each team will decide which one will be the barber and which one is receiving the shave.
The person who is receiving the shave will sit on the ground. The barber will stand behind them.
Hand out one balloon to each barber.
The barber will place the balloon on their teammate's head. (It is best to do this right after the "Hair Out" contest while the kids still have a lot of shave cream in their hair to help hold the balloon in place.
The person being shaved will hold the balloon (with their hands) on top of their head while the barber squirts shave cream all over the balloon, smooths it out, and shaves the balloon clean. shave the balloon clean without popping it. If the balloon pops...they are out.
Start on one end (or both ends) and pass a can of shaving cream down the line. Each barber will squirt a pile of shaving cream on their balloon and smooth it out.
When the whistle blows...they begin to shave.
Take lots of pics!
Once everyone is done, switch spots and begin again.
Be Prepared
Not all children are the same.
Keep in mind that not all children are the same. You may have some children show up who do not want to get wet or dirty. Grab a small "emergency" tote with a lid that you take to all of your summer events. Add a couple of coloring books, crayons, bubbles, a jump rope or two, sidewalk chalk, etc. to your tote. Place it in an area where the kids cannot see it. Bring it out only if needed.
All children are different...all churches are different...Plan for the best event ever but prepare for the worst.
Have a few extra games in mind just in case you finish early or the kids get tired of doing what you have planned. You do not have to drag out more stuff...just plan some extra activities using the items that you brought or some "no supplies" needed for group games.
Occasionally the kids will start a game of their own...if they are having fun...let them play! No evening is a failure if the children are having fun!