Super Selfie Scavenger Hunt
Challenge Your Children to a
30 Day On-Line Super Selfie Scavenger Hunt
Bible Riddles Clues
Call to Action Clues
Interpretive Clues
Bible Hunt Clues
Super Selfie Clues
All in one 30-day Super Selfie Scavenger Hunt
You can adapt this scavenger hunt to fit any size church...with any size budget. The ONLY cost will be prizes...if you choose to give them away.
Following is a rundown of how "I" would host this scavenger hunt...
but by no means is it the only way to host it.
Promote....promote...promote your upcoming event.
I have attached a flyer well as a video that you can use to promote your event.
Promote your event as a month-long hunt...such as a September Super Selfie Scavenger Hunt.
Each day during the month of September, post a new clue. (I call them clues but they are random activity cards...Riddles to solve, Call to Action activities, Interpretive Clues, Bible Hunt Clues, and Super Selfie Clues. You will better understand when you look at the clues. TIP: YOU CAN PROGRAM YOUR CLUES TO POST AUTOMATICALLY ON FACEBOOK EACH MORNING.
Children (along with parents) will log onto Facebook each morning to read the daily clue.
Children will complete whatever daily task is posted and then take a picture. It may be a selfie, it may be a photo of what they have created, it may be a picture of someone or something...whatever the clue dictates.
The more creative the photo...the more points the child will receive...The key is creativity...and how well it represents the daily clue. By requiring them to be creative...they will be stimulating their minds...and spending more time on their hunt.
There are some clues that are interpretive cards, which means that the child reads the card and selects any portion of the scripture that they would like to feature in their daily picture. For instance...if the word water is in the scripture verse then they can run with anything water...a birdbath, a bathtub, a sink, a hydrant, a glass, of water....anything water-related.
On the Bible Hunt Clues, they can either take a picture of their hand pointing to the missing word in the Bible...or they can take the word and run with it. Remember, creativity is the key!
Each day, the child will either post their picture on your daily Facebook post...(under the comment section) or text it to you.
If the child (parent) posts a picture themselves, you will not have to sign a permission form. If they text a picture of an object...and you add it to the post yourself, you will not have to have a permission form signed. If a child/parent texts a picture of themselves to you...then you need to have permission. It is best to get forms signed before you begin your hunt so that you do not have to deal with them later.
If families want to participate but do not want their pictures posted...let them play anyhow. They can always text their pictures to you for credit without being published.
You can do a point system, a daily prize system, a bonus system for "going the extra mile", an "I solved all 30 daily clues prize" or however you choose to reward kids. Prizes are not necessary...but they certainly help to boost participation.
I will be attaching a download for the following:
Clues - I believe there are over 50 clues attached. You can pick 30 of them or create your own with the blank clue template.
Flyer - You can download the attached flyer or create your own using the attached slide template
Event video - You are welcome to use my video. It is downloadable.
Slide - You can download the attached slide for use on Facebook or your big screen or create your own using the attached slide template.
Instructions - You can download the attached instruction page or use the blank template to create your own.

There are almost 60 clues included with the Free download.
Select your favorite 30 to create your own custom clue list.
Not all clues are shown above.
Following is an example of one of the "Call to Action Clue" Children will read the clue, perform the action, and take a selfie or pic of their completed task. There are a total of 12 that you may choose from...or add all 12

Following is an example of an "Interpretative Clue."
Children will read the scripture and go with any word in the scripture that they want to run with. In this clue, they could choose the word knock, door, doorbell, door knocker, an open door, a refrigerator door, etc. They can also act out the card and have someone taking a picture of them performing the task.
There are a total of 12 that you can choose from...or add all 12.

Following is an example of a "Bible Riddle Clue"
There are a total of 4 to choose from...or add all 4

Following is a "Regular Riddle Clue"
There are a total of 19 to choose from...or add all 19

Following is a sample of one of the "Bible Search Clues"
There are a total of 9 to choose from...or add all 9